
Secret ingredient found to help ancient Roman concrete self-heal

Secret ingredient found to help ancient Roman concrete self-heal
A new study reveals how ancient Roman concrete structures can still be standing after 2,000 years
A new study reveals how ancient Roman concrete structures can still be standing after 2,000 years
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A new study reveals how ancient Roman concrete structures can still be standing after 2,000 years
A new study reveals how ancient Roman concrete structures can still be standing after 2,000 years
Left: The archeological site of Privernum, Italy, where samples of ancient concrete were collected for this study. Right: A false-color map of ingredients in one of the samples, featuring a large calcium inclusion (red)
Left: The archeological site of Privernum, Italy, where samples of ancient concrete were collected for this study. Right: A false-color map of ingredients in one of the samples, featuring a large calcium inclusion (red)

Neglect a modern concrete structure for a few decades and it’ll start to fall apart – and yet, structures built by the ancient Romans are still standing strong after 2,000 years. Now, engineers have found an inclusion that helps ancient concrete self-heal cracks, and shown how we can recreate the recipe to make new buildings last longer.

Concrete is the most commonly used building material in the world, but it’s not impervious to damage. Weather and stress can lead to tiny cracks, which can grow into much larger cracks that eventually threaten the integrity of the entire structure. That can require expensive maintenance or replacement to prevent catastrophic failure.

In contrast, ancient Roman structures have stood the test of time for more than two millennia. To find out how, scientists have long examined samples of the material under microscopes to study the composition and uncover the ingredients that bestow such strength.

Pozzolanic material, made from volcanic ash from a specific region of Italy, features prominently. So does lime, and in previous studies it was found that this helps concrete actually grow stronger over time in marine environments like piers. One common inclusion – millimeter-sized chunks of white minerals called lime clasts – are usually disregarded as a by-product, but in the new study, researchers found that they might be there for a reason.

“The idea that the presence of these lime clasts was simply attributed to low quality control always bothered me,” said Admir Masic, lead author of the study. “If the Romans put so much effort into making an outstanding construction material, following all of the detailed recipes that had been optimized over the course of many centuries, why would they put so little effort into ensuring the production of a well-mixed final product? There has to be more to this story.”

Left: The archeological site of Privernum, Italy, where samples of ancient concrete were collected for this study. Right: A false-color map of ingredients in one of the samples, featuring a large calcium inclusion (red)
Left: The archeological site of Privernum, Italy, where samples of ancient concrete were collected for this study. Right: A false-color map of ingredients in one of the samples, featuring a large calcium inclusion (red)

The team used several imaging and chemical mapping techniques to inspect the lime clasts much more closely, and found that they’re made of types of calcium carbonate, which appeared to have formed at high temperature. This suggested that they were made by directly adding (or “hot mixing”) quicklime, a more reactive form of lime than the form the ancient Romans were presumed to have used.

“The benefits of hot mixing are twofold,” said Masic. “First, when the overall concrete is heated to high temperatures, it allows chemistries that are not possible if you only used slaked lime, producing high-temperature-associated compounds that would not otherwise form. Second, this increased temperature significantly reduces curing and setting times since all the reactions are accelerated, allowing for much faster construction.”

But more importantly, these lime clasts play an active role in self-healing the concrete. The hot mixing process makes the inclusions brittle, so that when tiny cracks form in the concrete, they will move through the lime clasts more easily than the surrounding material. When water gets into the cracks, it reacts with the lime, forming a solution that hardens back into calcium carbonate and plugs the crack. It can also react with the pozzolanic material and further strengthen the concrete itself.

So rather than being an unwanted by-product, these lime clasts are there for a reason, the team says. This self-healing mechanism may be a major factor in the longevity of ancient Roman concrete structures.

To test the hypothesis, the researchers then produced hot-mixed samples of ancient and modern concrete, then cracked them and flowed water through the cracks for extended periods. After two weeks, the ancient concrete sample had healed its cracks, blocking the water from flowing. The modern material, on the other hand, didn’t heal at all.

The team says that the discovery not only helps us understand the secrets of ancient engineering, but it could help improve modern concrete recipes too. To that end, the researchers are taking steps to commercialize the material.

The research was published in the journal Science Advances.

Source: MIT

Depressing that it has taken 2000 years to discover this!
Rocky Stefano
To "pete-y' - Coming from a long line of Italians, I can tell you this recipe was never lost. It was discarded on purpose. Having structures that actually strengthen over time instead of break down was found, to put it mildly, unfavourable and not conducive to the profiteering of construction and maintenance companies worldwide.
How in the world did the Romans happen upon that recipe for concrete? What is depressing is their innate engineering and chemical engineering prowess remains obscured by the centuries - we may discover the "Hows?", but may never uncover the "Whys?".
Amazing. I just walked across a Roman Aqueduct southwest of Barcelona this summer. Incredible to think how this was built, what great shape it was still in, and that tourists could just walk across it.
This is just another example of how modern society in its arrogance continues to underestimate the abilities and intelligence of the ancients. After all everything we know is based on their discoveries and developments.
Christian Lassen
Not everyone wants a building that lasts so long.
So, my limited experience with concrete, and fibreglass in observing them harden with a catalyst, I often wondered does the catalyst ever stop the hardening process? I think not. It just slows down, but keeps hardening. I think this is why fibreglass over time develop tiny cracks, as does concrete, and eventually break up. How that for an hypothesis?
Don't assume this design was intentional. We have very selective filtering of their concrete work. The surviving examples tend to be the particular mixes of concrete that withstood the test of time.
Every scientific "speciality" is mired in a smug "superiority of the present".
How many of these must we endure, as a civilization, before the 'educated' elitists change this tune:
"usually disregarded as a by-product, but in the new study, researchers found that they might be there for a reason."
How much of our DNA is regarded as "junk"
How many Continental Drift theories must be lambasted by The Present Experts?
...maybe Atlantis *actually* did exist.
Steven Campbell
This really explained nothing new. Describe this 'hot mixing' you alluded to. Was the concrete heated? Was the lime heated, slaked then the precipitate heated before adding to a heated mix? Was the use of hydrated lime into the concrete mix, the actual heating , ( exothermic reaction of Calcium into water)?