Medical Devices
The latest advances in medical devices, from implants and brain interfaces to prosthetics and bionics.
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Americans will soon have access to an infusion treatment that provides round-the-clock relief of Parkinson's symptoms. The US FDA has green-lit this innovative drug delivery system, which is expected to be available in the fourth quarter of 2025.
A clever new set of glasses may offer new hope to people with macular degeneration. By copying the structure of a fly's eyes, the specs are claimed to "fill in" the missing section of the wearer's view of the world.
The treatment of kidney stones could soon be getting much faster, easier, and safer. Scientists have devised a method of non-invasively tearing the objects apart, using what are known as "acoustic vortex beams."
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March 19, 2025 | Ben CoxworthOur soft tissues swell and shrink throughout the day, so a wearable that fits in the morning may not do so in the afternoon. A new adaptive lining for the sockets of prosthetic limbs was designed with this important fact very much in mind.
March 14, 2025 | Michael FrancoA man has lived for more than 100 days with a maglev heart beating inside his chest. In a landmark moment, he was discharged earlier this year, becoming the first person in the world to leave the hospital with the device embedded in his body.
February 21, 2025 | Ben CoxworthNot many people fancy the idea of spending the night in a sleep clinic with multiple electrodes stuck to their skin. That's why scientists have developed a smart pajama top that assesses sleep disorders while its wearer comfortably slumbers at home.
February 18, 2025 | Ben CoxworthAs everyone knows, scratching at chronically itchy skin only makes the problem worse. A new device is claimed to help stop dermatitis patients from doing so while they sleep, without waking them up in the process.
January 26, 2025 | Ben CoxworthBrain-computer interfaces may allow paralyzed people to perform basic tasks, but there's more to life than eating and typing. That's where a new BCI comes in, as it has allowed a man to fly a virtual drone just by thinking of moving his fingers.
December 13, 2024 | Ben CoxworthWhile electroencephalography (EEG) can provide a lot of information on the electrical activity of an individual's brain, that person is required to wear a clumsy skull cap. Such caps could soon be replaced, however, with inkjet-printed scalp tattoos.
December 08, 2024 | Ben CoxworthLeft untreated, frostbite can lead to the amputation of fingers and toes. That's where a new Canadian system comes in, which will allow frostbite to be treated quickly, effectively and on location … utilizing culinary-inspired technology.
December 08, 2024 | Michael IrvingTwo patients with spinal injuries have seen improvements in their ability to walk again, thanks to deep brain stimulation. Intriguingly, the therapy targets a region of the brain that normally isn’t associated with motor skills.
November 24, 2024 | Michael IrvingThe body has a remarkable ability to heal injuries, but it has its limits. Now scientists have developed a way to improve on the natural process, making implants created from a patient’s own blood to regenerate injuries, even repairing bone.
November 23, 2024 | Michael IrvingPeople with photosensitive epilepsy could soon be able to watch TV without worry. Scientists in the UK have created glasses that can block out specific wavelengths of light known to cause seizures.
November 13, 2024 | Ben CoxworthWhen a patient's blood flows through catheters, stents or other medical devices, there's always a risk that harmful clots may form. An experimental new bio-inspired coating could keep that from happening, without the use of blood-thinning drugs.
October 30, 2024 | Ben CoxworthWhen someone receives an implant such as an artificial hip, there's a real risk of an infection occurring at the implant site. According to a new study, however, a covering of bacteria-frying gold nanorods could keep that from happening.
October 21, 2024 | Ben CoxworthAlthough brain-implanted electrodes do reduce the effects of neurological disorders, implanting and activating those electrodes is a tricky process. That's why scientists are now developing an alternative, in the form of injectable magnetic discs.
October 17, 2024 | Michael FrancoIf a medical professional has ever had a hard time getting a needle into your veins, you'll welcome this new gizmo from Adison Technology. By effectively turning your skin transparent, it makes needle sticks more accurate and therefore less painful.
October 09, 2024 | Michael IrvingSurgical stitches are good for helping wounds heal, but they can pop open with too much movement. Scientists have now turned that weakness into a strength, developing stitches that generate an electric charge when stretched and heal wounds faster.
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