Move It is a compact home gym solutionthat connects to your smartphone, providing four different pieces ofworkout kit for cardio and muscle endurance training. Aside frombeing lightweight and convenient, the design also incorporatesdetachable, sensor-packed handles that work with all four pieces ofequipment.
The product is designed to turn any 3 x3 m (10 x10 ft) space into a home gym, without the need for bulkyworkout equipment. Once you're done exercizing, the whole thing slotstogether into a single compact unit measuring 40 cm (15.7 in), 38 cm(14.9 in) wide and 21 cm (8.3 in) deep. It's made from plastic andaluminum, and the whole thing only weighs a little over 3 kg (6.6lb).
The modular handles are perhaps themost interesting part of the set up. There's only one set of twohandles included with each Move It. Rather than every piece ofequipment having its own set of sensors built-in, all the sensingtech is packed into the handles instead, which slot into the fourtypes of training equipment included – the pushup stands, ab wheel,resistance band and jump rope.
The handles contain 3D gyro, pressure,radio frequency, and infrared sensors, allowing for the tracking of16 different exercise movements. The design is simple, with a rigidaluminum frame and soft grips, and a common socket adapter that plugsinto the different workout equipment. They'll work for about 10 hoursbefore they'll need a recharge.
The companyhas said that additional piece of workout equipment could be releaseddown the line, increasing the platform's functionality. Those extrabits of kit would also work with the standard handles.
All data collected by the smart handles is sent via Bluetooth4.0 to a connected Android or iOS device. The system knows whichpiece of equipment the handles are plugged into, and workout data canbe displayed in real time on the user's smartphone.
The app itself offers pre-setworkouts, cloud stores your stats, and include a social element, withusers able to send challenges to friends and compete against otherusers. There's also a team mode included, allowing users to worktogether to compete against other groups.
As with all crowdfunding campaigns,there's some way to go before the product is actually ready to ship.Things are off to a good start though, with the effort currently doubling its US$30,000 target. Move It is available in a choice ofred and black or black and white color schemes, with early birdprices starting at $159. Assuming everything goes to plan, units willship to backers in August this year.
For more on the Move It smart home gym, you can take a look at the video below.