Eco-conscious campers living the "leave no trace" way of life might like to minimize their impacts on the places that they visit, but that can become a little tricky when it's time to make fire and food. A new solo stove from Japanese outdoor gear maker Camp Ooparts offers a clever way to stay true to this ethos, featuring a slide-in bed for the fuel that keeps the whole operation up off the ground.
The Martian Kayak solo camp stove is designed for adventurers heading out on multi-day tours on kayaks or on foot, and consists of two pairs of interlocking iron legs that form a small but stable platform for pots and pans.

A stainless steel fire bed the size of an A4 sheet of paper slots in underneath and rests on small supports that lock it in place. Like a number of the solo camp stoves we've looked in the past few years, the Martian Kayak is designed to work with twigs, branches and shavings collected around the camp site, creating a fire that is small but safe, and suitable for solo cooking.
The whole package weighs just 830 g (29 oz), and its three pieces come apart to fit into an accompanying bag for easy carry. Camp Ooparts is also offering a larger A3-sized version it calls the Martian Attacker, which features a nifty fold-up handle to hang your tongs on when cooking, though that weighs a heftier 2.7 kg (6 lb).
Both are available now, with the Martian Kayak priced at ¥14,800 (US$135) and the Martian Attacker at ¥23,800 (US$217).
Source: Camp Ooparts