
High-tech origami: Je Sung Park's recyclable paper laptop concept

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Je Sung Park's clever concept design makes the upgrade process both inexpensive and guilt-free
Je Sung Park's clever concept design makes the upgrade process both inexpensive and guilt-free
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In a world where concern for the environment is high on the agenda, it was only a matter of time before the laptop got a green makeover. Outstripping even the Bamboo notebook in eco-friendly credentials, designer Je Sung Park has pushed the concept to its limit and opened our eyes to the laptop of the future: a recyclable paper design.

Although they are striving towards more environmentally friendly designs, the rapid pace development in personal computing means that companies are tempting consumers to upgrade by constantly churning out new models. Generally, a laptop is upgraded every two years, resulting in an abundance of disposed computers, or ‘e-waste’. E-waste is a significant problem worldwide - in 2007, only 18% of the estimated 2.25 million tons of TVs, cell phones and computer products disposed of in the US was recycled. The rest ended up as landfill.

Je Sung Park's concept design makes the upgrade process both inexpensive and guilt-free. Because the casing is made from pulp and reprocessed materials, it could easily be broken down when disposed of. The design features layers of the paper materials allowing the user the ability to replace any damaged portions.

The idea for disposable items is not new, and like disposable cameras and cell phones, the paper laptop would also keep prices down - something consumers are unlikely to argue with.

Admittedly, there's a few hurdles to jump before the concept of a completely recyclable laptop becomes a reality, but it's a thought provoking idea.

Via Yanko Design.

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Is it durable? Doing research and designing for fun sake is a luxury which developing countries cannot afford. There are several pressing problems which need solution through science and technology. Let us concentrate in this area.
Dr.A.Jagadeesh Nellore(AP),India
Excellant! We need provocative thinking like this so that the next generation laptops! Sadly.......Tablets, Mini Notebooks and Smartphones are flooding the market for one reason......they\'re more portable than full-size laptops. To keep the momentum going in this thread, I thought share a design concept I created. My idea idea is to create a rigid, hard and durable laptop that changes shape to it\'s enviroment using it\'s own system heat. It protects existing flexible screen and flex circuit components better than flimsy solutions and just may allow laptop manufacturers to bring their flex screen technologies to market in 18 months, not 3-5 years as they currently project. See my attempt at the redesign Here. Thanks in advance for your comments! Cheers.