
The Parasync - when syncing 19 iPods just isn’t good enough

The Parasync - when syncing 19 iPods just isn’t good enough
The Parasync Charging and Synchronization Dock
The Parasync Charging and Synchronization Dock
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The Parasync Charging and Synchronization Dock
The Parasync Charging and Synchronization Dock

The Parasync Charging and Synchronization Dock is perfect for any Apple fanatic who has managed to rack up a score of iPods and iPhones. The dock can charge and sync up to 20 devices via a single USB cable and, once registered, each docked device appears in iTunes for the usual dragging and dropping of content from the iTunes library.

The Parasync measures 12.75 x 10.5 x 2-inches and requires no proprietary software to sync the devices. Its creators, Parat Solutions, warn that the Parasync works best with a Mac, with PC users likely to experience fluctuations in performance when syncing to a large quantity of devices due to the limitations in the PC’s USB interface. Also the Parasync apparently uses individual dock cradles rather than a universal one, which means users will need to pre-specify which model devices will be used with the unit.

Although a lot of people and families now own more than one iPod or iPhone, and being able to sync multiple devices could come in handy, it isn’t home consumers Parat Solutions is targeting with the Parasync. Rather it is designed to make life easier for museums and schools that use iPods for guided tours and class content. For such users it will definitely save a lot of time spent plugging and unplugging.

Parat Solutions’ Parasync is compatible with various combinations of iPod nano 4G, Touch, Classic and all iPhones. There’s no word on pricing or availability, but the fact that potential buyers are asked to contact the company for a quote suggests the Parasync will be on the pricey side. And before anyone gets too excited – no, the iPods and iPhones aren’t included.

Via: Slashgear.

PARASYNC Charge & Sync Dock for 20 iPod / iPhone Devices

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