The Urban Photo Awards delivers a reliably eccentric assortment of images focusing on the strange sights of city life. This year's winners feature gun collections, howling dogs and uncanny COVID restrictions.
Running since 2010, the photo competition is focused on the different facets of urban life, from experiences in big cities to stories of life in smaller towns. There are four simple categories: Streets, People, Spaces and Creative and one overall Photo of the Year.

This years top prize prize went to an amusing shot from Italian photographer Massimillano Faralli, shown at the top of this article. Jury president Nino Miliori said the cinematic nature of the image was most compelling.
"Photography is language, narration capable of telling a story in a possible game between fiction and reality," said Migliori. "The scene, set around the corner of an 'any' city, is constructed in such a way as to refer to immediate and clear cinematic themes."

Another highlight comes in Jason Au's COVID-themed photo, which took out a Remarkable Reward in the Streets category. The image evocatively depicts Hong Kong's recent social distancing laws that allowed only small groups of people to gather.

The contest also celebrates portfolios of images on a singe theme, and a highlight in the Projects & Portfolios category comes in Gabriele Galimberti's incredible collection titled The Ameriguns. The series depicts a variety of different American citizens posing with their personal gun collection.
Take a look through our gallery at more of the winners in this year's competition.
Source: Urban Photo Awards