Gizmag recently took a journey through the impressive World Expo 2015, which opened in Milan last month and runs until the end of October. World expositions date back to 1851 in London and the 2015 event features 145 participating countries, 53 of which have their own architecturally designed pavilion. When we talk about "pavilions" we're talking about huge structures that cost millions to build and transport visitors through a series of compelling and beautiful interactive experiences.
Thisyear's Expo is dedicated to sharing of diverse and innovativeideas under the theme: "Feeding the Planet, Energy forLife." Many countries put their best thinking caps on to presentideas of how we can address the big questions surrounding global foodsupply and the sustainability of the planet, while others simply usedthe event as a platform to promote their tourism and other industries.

The organizers sum up the 2015 extravaganza as follows: "Forthe first time in its centuries-old history, the Expo will not simplybe an exhibition of human progress, but the opportunity to promotediscussion and cooperation between nations, organizations andbusinesses to develop joint strategies to improve the quality of lifeand support the environment. Infact, the Universal Exposition has always represented an opportunityto show the best of the various Countries to an audience of millionsof people from all over the world."
Locatedhalf an hour outside of the city center of Milan, the Expo 2015grounds cover more than one million square meters (10.75 million sqft), incorporating an array of impressive architectural projects and unique landscapesthat represent different cultural identities.

Inaddition to the 53 pavilions, visitors can explore the five thematiczones which include: Pavilion Zero; The Future Food District; Children’s Park; Biodiversity Park and Arts and Food. These explore the story of mankind and food; the current paradoxof famine and obesity, shortage and abundance and ideas of whatfuture food supplies might look like.

Theevent also features a series of "Clusters"which are shared exhibition spaces dedicated to smaller countries andregions from around Italy. These Clusters host a variety of differenttraditions from classic food sources such as rice, coffee, cocoa,spices, fruit and vegetables, cereals and tubers. In some of theclusters visitors get the opportunity to taste local food cuisine andlearn about theses cultures.

We'll soon be bringing you an in-depth look at our top 10 must seepavilions, but in the meantime be sure to head to ourspecial Expo Milano 2015 photo gallery for a taste of this wonderful journey ofinnovation, sustainability and architecture.
Expo 2015 is open to the public from 10 am to 11 pm seven days a week until 31 October 2015 and an adult ticket will set you back €39 (US$44).
For more information on the event visit Expo Milano 2015