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Power Pillow charges your electronic devices while you relax

Power Pillow charges your electronic devices while you relax
The Power Pillow comes in a range of different designs, though the battery packs within are all identical
The Power Pillow comes in a range of different designs, though the battery packs within are all identical
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The Power Pillow can be used to charge mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets
The Power Pillow can be used to charge mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets
The Power Pillow comes in a range of different designs, though the battery packs within are all identical
The Power Pillow comes in a range of different designs, though the battery packs within are all identical

The Power Pillow is a new product that its creators are billing as the “world’s first pillow that recharges smart devices.” The truth is rather less interesting, with the Power Pillow being a soft housing for a battery pack that can charge your mobile devices when a wall socket either isn't available or not in close proximity.

The Power Pillow takes the form of a standard pillow – available in a range of different designs – which cleverly houses (and hides) a means of charging your various smartphones, tablets, and other assorted USB-powered devices. The caveat is, of course, that the pillow itself isn’t charging anything, and is instead merely acting as the housing for the lithium-polymer battery pack that is actually doing all the hard work.

That isn't to say the Power Pillow has no merit. It gives users another option for charging their devices; one which lets them use those devices while they're charging. It also means people waiting for an important phone call, text, or email don’t have to abandon their smartphone or tablet in another room while it recharges.

The Power Pillow can be used to charge mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets
The Power Pillow can be used to charge mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets

The option to install these in places where people congregate, such as dorm rooms and reception areas, is an intriguing one. The most obvious usage for the Power Pillow would be during a power outage or emergency, but then that applies to any battery pack, whether or not it’s encased within soft furnishings.

The Power Pillow is currently being funded via Kickstarter, with the aim being to raise CAD$30,000 (US$28,000). A pledge of CAD$132 (US$125) is needed for those seeking the full Power Pillow charging system (consisting of two 12000mAh battery packs, one soft battery housing, one cable wallet, and two micro-USB charging cables) though there are cheaper pledges available.

The Kickstarter campaign video embedded below shows the Power Pillow being used in various ways, though all obviously consist of people charging their mobile devices while relaxing on the sofa.

Source: Kickstarter & Power Pillow

This really sounds like a solution without a problem.
The problem I have with this idea is that lithium batteries have been known to catch fire, and so far, nobody has identified the cause. Wrapping such a cell in a cushion doesn't strike me as something I'd be willing to do in the absence of a powerful (as opposed to convenient) reason to do so. Why tempt Murphy?
All this accomplishes is inserting an intermediate step and an unfortunate inefficiency into the charging process. Worse than a silly idea - its a bad idea.
Michiel Mitchell
aaa and there I was thinking it converts brain waves into electrical current... LOL MY BAD!!!!
Bryan Paschke
Is Gizmag getting THIS desperate for filler? I was expecting some kind of "the pillow's stuffing holds a charge" or even a "here's a new way to deal with inductive charging". Getting "we stuffed a battery in a pillow case and surrounded it with stuffing" is just silly. If I wanted to put a battery backup in my living room without "disturbing the decor" I would shove it between the couch cushions.
This is not at all a Creative Idea....The Best Way to market the 10$ pillow and some cheap 12k V chargers ...and sell it for 80$-110$ ...Seriously, i would rate this project 1 out of 10 ...1 star for developing cool design...looks good though..but I won't pay 80$ for this..
But seriously, it's toooo much for this product...I thought Gizmag would publish only Creative projects...this time it failed...:( :(
"Lead emits radiation" this item would be a health hazard and should be illegal to manufacture and sell.
Henry Van Campa
I was charging my rechargeable drill battery in my van. I use this drill for making furniture to my van. I had accidentally placed a blanket over the charger and battery. I was happily driving somewhere and then smelled burning plastic. The charger was cooking the battery which I had to throw away! Bad idea!