Around The Home

Revolv brings multiple home automation devices together

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Revolv aims to be the one system and app to rule all home automation devices
Revolv's app allows users to set their automation scenarios and triggers
Revolv links to your phone with a patented process using your phone's flash
The Revolv dashboard displays upcoming actions and available device controls
In this "Date Night" scenario, four devices have been given rules to create a custom environment
Revolv aims to be the one system and app to rule all home automation devices
The Revolv device is controlled through your iOS gadget, with Android support coming
Revolv's GeoSense can track when you leave or arrive at home and trigger actions based on that
The GeoSense triggers allow users to set actions to occur when their device enters or leaves the boundary
Revolv can automatically detect and sync with some devices
Revolv links to your phone with a patented process using your phone's flash
A screen in the Revolv app used for creating actions, here based on time triggers
Revolv lets users to set up actions based on geographical triggers
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Once you start automating your home with electronic locks, lights, switches, and other components, the number of apps on your phone can multiply very quickly. Worse, it seems like you should be able to easily link their behavior together yet can’t. After all, if you want the lights to turn off when you leave the house, shouldn’t the thermostat also turn down? The Revolv home automation system and associated smart phone app aim to simplify things with one centralized control hub that promises easy setup, no additional support fees, and an evolving lineup of supported devices and features.

Using Revolv is designed to be simple. Once plugged into a central location for optimal Wi-Fi coverage, the unit automatically adds supported devices from the home network, while others need to be added manually via a walkthrough on the Revolv app.

The unit boasts seven wireless radios supporting ten different wireless protocols, with Insteon, Wi-Fi, and Z-Wave currently covered, and more including ZigBee to be rolled out later. What it doesn’t require is an Ethernet connection, creating an account, or monthly fees, with the system registering your phone simply by using the phone’s flash. Only iOS devices are currently supported, but Android, Windows Phone and others will follow.

The Revolv device is controlled through your iOS gadget, with Android support coming

Once devices are enabled, the fun begins. You can design different home "scenarios," such as coming home, vacation, relaxation, movie night, or bedtime, with rules being triggered by the phone’s proximity, motion sensors, or based on time. Currently the GeoSense proximity trigger is only enabled for one phone, though this will be updated early next year. However, multiple phones can control a Revolv system.

The company is also working on more complex conditional rules, as might apply in households where not everyone has a smartphone. Also planned is a feature that recognizes when people are still at home, despite the GeoSense-linked user leaving the house with their phone.

Revolv's app allows users to set their automation scenarios and triggers

Belkin WeMo light switches and electrical outlets, Philips Hue and Insteon lightbulbs, Kwikset and Yale locks, and wireless speakers from Sonos are just a few of the devices currently supported, with a full list that is being regularly updated found on Revolv’s website.

The Revolv system is currently available for US$299.

If you’ve started to automate your home, what would you do with Revolv? Let us know in the comments.

Below is Revolv’s video pitching the “sexiness” of home automation.

Source: Revolv

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This seems like a great idea, especially becuase it looks more versatile than other similar devices. The weird thing is that they ony have an iOS app available when there are 7 Android smartphones out there for each single iphone ! How does that make sense? Perhaps they just want to test it in a minority market before offering it to the majority of people.
What about tablet support, other than Android? Us Apple IPad AIR users would be happy to utilize Revolv's app.
and what happens when the power goes out?
This is a great product. However, I think the future will be with Ninja Sphere and Bluetooth Smart. The ability to geolocate any devices with ble (I beckons too) and set rules based on that. Plus it supports wifi, zigbee (I think) with a zwave dongle to be added. So essentially you would be getting both a Revolv and a Bluetooth le product in one.
Bob Grahame
This sort of automation has been around for decades. I don't call lights, heat, etc. going on and off as real home automation. What about doors that open and close automatically, or a self-cleaning house, or a kitchen that can cook meals and clean up? I'll take my shower by myself thank you.