Having trouble relaxing? If so, UK-based BioSelf Technology might suggest trying out its new device, called Sensate. It sits against the user's chest throughout the day, buzzing their breastbone when they start getting stressed out.
Mounted in a chest strap and worn beneath the user's clothing, Sensate uses integrated sensors to monitor biometric data such as heart rate, respiration, posture and body temperature. Readings are wirelessly transmitted to the user's paired smartphone, where an app analyzes them in real time.
Whenever it's determined that the user is getting stressed, the app instructs Sensate to vibrate, creating low-frequency sound waves. Although these waves can't be heard, the vibrations travel through the chest via bone conduction, where they are claimed to lower stress by stimulating the vagus nerve.

At the same time, the app plays back music and/or nature sounds through the phone's earbuds. This soundtrack is reportedly "integrated with sound waves that guide brain activity towards specific frequencies," thus enhancing the calming effect.
Sensate will be the subject of a crowdfunding campaign beginning later this month. Its estimated retail price is £199 (about US$254).
Source: Sensate