Shipping containers are by nature rather easy to move around, and more and more we are seeing clever ideas around how their strengths can be put to use. The latest example of this is a little something called a Modpool, a relocatable above-ground swimming pool that can be installed within minutes of delivery.
Measuring either 8 x 20 ft or a lengthier 8 x 40 ft (2.4 x 6 or 2.4 by 12 m), the pools are designed to take advantage of the structural strength and portability of shipping containers. These attributes that have seen them become popular building materials in the world of architecture, particularly among the tiny house crowd.
While this means the pools can be setup within minutes of delivery, you'll still need to fill them up with water. Modpool's general manager Sammy Diab explained to us how it all works.
"What we mean when we say it can be set up in minutes, is that it delivers as fully functional, so all the plumbing, heater and electrical are all built into the pool," he tells New Atlas. "So once you lay it on the foundations, you make two service connections, which are really just your gas connection and an electrical plug. And once you fill it with water, it is ready to go."

The container can also be modified as the user desires, perhaps adding a window like the image above, or adding a divider to turn part of it into a jacuzzi. It also comes with a color-changing LED and a natural gas or propane heater, intended for year-round use. The heating and lighting can be controlled by way of a companion mobile app.
The 8 x 20 ft model is priced at US$26,900, while Diaby tells us that for the 40-foot-long version, buyers are looking at a price of $35,000.
You can check out the promo video below.
Source: Modpools