When you're boxing, your opponent doesn't just stand there and take your punches. So, does it make sense to train with a punching bag that does? The folks at Germany's SkyTec Interactive evidently don't think so, which is why they created the BotBoxer.
Equipped with high-speed computer vision and motion recognition systems, BotBoxer is reportedly able to spot users' incoming punches, and reacts by moving its punching bag in order to avoid their fists. It's said to be capable of reacting "faster than a world champion," requiring users to increase the power and velocity of their punches if they actually want to land one.
Of course, different people box at different skill levels, so the system is adjustable. Among other things, users can tweak parameters such as the reaction time, along with BotBoxer's range of motion, the frequency at which it makes mistakes, and the amount of time that it takes to recover from blows. And just like a human boxer, its endurance does start to flag as the fight goes on.
It's also possible to choose between drill modes that are designed to hone specific fighting techniques, a customizable free training mode, or an all-out fight mode.

After each session, the system's 19-inch touchscreen display provides users with blow-by-blow performance statistics, letting them know what they need to work on in order to improve. That information is also stored in the cloud, so users can access it wherever there's internet access.
SkyTec – which also makes a skiing simulator – is currently accepting US$990 deposits, which will go toward a discounted price of $19,995. After June 30th, that price will rise to $24,900. The system is expected to ship in September. It can be seen in use, in the video below.
Source: BotBoxer