Space-savingdesigns were some of Gizmag's favorite picks during this year's MilanDesign Week, which included transforming living spaces andmultifunctional pieces by Italian company Clei. The establishedmanufacturer has been creating innovative and transformable furnituredesigns since 1963 and its new collection is a great example of how inches become feet and vice versa.
"Researchand development, innovation, patented technology and a creativespirit is what transforms a dwelling into an intelligent home,"says Clei. "The versatility of the transformable systems allowsus to create multifunctional solutions with a high aesthetic value."
Clei'smodular furniture and patented transformable systems have beendesigned to effectively furnish various sized spaces includingsingle-room homes, open living spaces, holiday homes and guest rooms.The range is not only practical but also versatile, transformingdramatically in a matter of a few simple moves.
"Everytime we think about a new product we are accompanied by the habitualuniqueness of thoughts," Clei's sales director, Dr.Luca Colombo tells Gizmag."The will to explore new ideas for the living dimension thatlater translate into multifunctional products and multiply thedomestic space. Therefore, creating an additional room in the house,regardless of the real available space."
Here'sa brief overview of Clei's new collection set to hit stores laterthis year.
App and Kali Duo Sofa
TheApp series features a pull-out dinning table which slides out fromits compact case with closing top and doubles as a single desk. Theunit can be fixed on the wall or on a boiserie panel. The system iscomplimented with the Kali Duo Sofa, which at first glance appears tobe a regular sofa lounge. However, the unit features an elevatedsingle bed which is hidden within the wall, both the sofa and wallbed fold out to become a sophisticated bunk bed complete with ladderand safety rails.

Hidden gas springs and a patented bed base are integrated into theKali Duo Sofa and the bed base and safety systems feature anautomatic locking mechanism which protects against accidental openingand closing.
Giro Living and Oslo Living
Girois a Tetris-inspired bench that folds open and slides across tobecome a dining table. The model is made with two bi-folding topswhich open up, a supporting leg with additional supporting side paneland revolving mechanism.

Oslo Living on the other-hand is atransformable system composed of a double bed which pulls down fromthe wall and sits perfectly above the lounge suite. The unit featuresa storage case and fixed back rest cushions that don't need to beremoved when the bed opens down.
Kitchen Box
KitchenBox is a kitchen unit that "vanishes" when not in use. Theunit features a large bi-folding door which turns on wheels and opensup to create a compact kitchen measuring 220 cm (7.22 ft) in height, 124 cm (4.1 ft) in widthand is 62 cm (2.05 ft) deep. It can open to the left or right depending on therequirements of the home and includes a storage pantry and tablewhich tilts open.

Furthermore, the fixed wall feature includes asink, induction hob with two cookers, 130 liter (34.35 gal) refrigerator, dishwasher and microwave. The kitchen comes ready to be easily hooked upto existing water and electricity connections and is furnished with aFenix laminated top, ultralight glass back panel and LED lighting.
Kali 120 Board
Thistransformable system features a simple fold-down double bedequipped with a table. When the bed is not in use and locked into thewall, the multi-use table can be used as a dinning table or desk. One of the most notable features is that as the user pulls the bed down fromthe wall, the table sits underneath the bed base with noneeds to displace objects from the top.

Thistransformable system also features an electrical opening mechanismfully hidden into the frame of the model and can be activated byremote control.
Inaddition to Clei's new 2015 collection, the company also presentedsome of its original designs from the 60s, demonstrating just howtimeless good and innovative smart designs can be. Standing the testof time these pieces feature clever transformability and highquality workmanship.
Besure to head to the gallerytosee just how each piece of Clei furniture gets transformed.