
Out of this world: Bizarre space-oddities that might just be for real

An artist's rendition of two boson stars colliding
Nicolás Sanchis-Gual and Rocío García-Souto
An artist's rendition of two boson stars colliding
Nicolás Sanchis-Gual and Rocío García-Souto

Space is an exceptionally strange place, full of signals and observations that defy our understanding of the universe. In trying to explain these mysteries, sometimes astronomers hypothesize extremely exotic objects that we haven’t yet found. Here are some of the most fascinating oddities that may be lurking in the depths of the cosmos.

Noticing weird things then working backwards to figure out what’s causing said weird thing is a basic tenet of how science works. And when you’ve got a canvas as crazy as space, some of the proposed objects are pretty outlandish.

That’s why astronomers can look at the odd orbits of asteroids beyond Neptune and propose that there might be a huge ninth planet hiding at the outskirts of our solar system. Or notice that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, and hypothesize that blobs of dark energy could be pushing it apart.

From the sci-fi staple of wormholes to stars made of dark matter or antimatter, here are some of the most intriguing cosmic objects that could be out there somewhere, waiting for us to find them.

The strangest things in space

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