Launched in 2013, Slack took just two years to pass the million daily users mark and now boasts more than 2.3 million users, 675,000 of which pay for the privilege. That's a lot of users and a lot of mouths to feed. Taco Bell is looking to help do just that with a bot that will take orders via the cloud-based team collaboration tool.
Taco Bell says the appropriately named TacoBot boasts artificial intelligence that allows it to answer questions about the Taco Bell menu, make suggestions, sort out group orders, and customize your taco order to a T. Once you confirm your order, the bot will provide your total and a point of pickup.
Additionally, the bot provides Siri-like responses to an array of questions – confessing your love to the bot will net you a less than enthusiastic, "I like you too I guess."

TacoBot is currently being tested as part of a private beta, with companies including Giphy, FullScreen, Thought Catalog, FoodBeast and SAV Studios taking part. Those wishing to sign up to a second round of testing and "contribute to TocoBot's artificial intelligence" ahead of a wider release can sign up to the wait list via the source link below.
Source: Taco Bell