Carbon Neutral
This strange white paste might not look like much, but it could not only solve the sand shortage, but make the cement manufacturing process absorb carbon dioxide instead of emitting it. Scientists grew this stuff out of seawater, electricity and CO2.
Researchers at UCLA have successfully devised a way to produce cement with 98% less CO2 emissions than traditional methods. The team achieved this by decomposing limestone to access calcium oxide (aka lime) without releasing carbon dioxide.
Hurtigruten Norway has released its concept of the eco-friendly cruise ship of tomorrow called Sea Zero that uses a raft of new technologies, including battery-powered propulsion and artificial intelligence, for zero-emission marine travel.
Concrete is one of the largest single sources of human-induced carbon dioxide emissions. Engineers at Washington State University have now developed a new method for making concrete that absorbs more carbon than it emits.
It's going to take decades to get aviation, shipping and long-haul transport down to zero emissions – but an interim solution is about to hit the market that can clean up big transport straight away, with no fleet changes – albeit in a strange way.
The UK government has announced a legally binding commitment to hit a 78 percent emissions reduction target by 2035, as compared to 1990 levels, on the way to net zero emissions by 2050. For the first time, this target includes aviation and shipping.
Flash Forest combines the use of drones with specially-designed pods and an accelerated seed germination process. The technology is said to plant trees 10 times faster than a single worker and at a cost that's 80 percent cheaper than traditional tree planting methods.
In what is being hailed as a historic moment for the island nation of five million people, New Zealand’s parliament has passed new legislation that commits the country to a carbon neutral economy by 2050.
A group of games companies including Microsoft and Sony has banded together with the United Nations to work towards reducing the industry’s footprint.
Volkswagen may be bound to eternal penitence for its Dieselgate shemozzle, but good things are coming of it. Today VW announced plans to give its new electric cars the ability to go carbon neutral for their entire life cycles.
Australian architectural firm Whispering Smith's recently completed House A combines innovative, space saving design with carbon neutral credentials to create a blueprint for big living on a small footprint.
According to a new MIT study, achieving a low-carbon-emission future at a reasonable cost and minimal social impact requires a mix of power sources, with nuclear power as a major component. Otherwise a radically low-carbon economy would cost two to four times as much to achieve.
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