Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Ever since SARS-CoV-2 emerged, the virus has been known for its novel effects on the brain. But exactly how is it causing these symptoms? A new study suggests that the answer lies in the way our vagus nerve talks to the brain.
Gut health can affect whole-body health. One of the latest findings to support this idea shows that using an antibiotic to alter the bacteria in the guts of rats lessened the damage to the heart and kidneys sometimes seen with hypertension.
Viruses are a major health risk, but what if we could fight them using other viruses? Scientists in Berlin have created virus shells that mimic the target cells that the flu virus latches onto in the lungs, preventing them from causing infection.
Researchers have made a breakthrough in identifying the way cells send up flags to the body's immune system – a discovery that could have a significant impact on how we develop vaccines or treat autoimmune diseases.
Scientists have lessened Alzheimer’s symptoms in mice by blocking an immune system transmitter.