
  • The first commercial spacewalk mission looks to be back on schedule with Polaris Dawn saying that it will launch no earlier than July 31, 2024. The Dragon spacecraft is slated to carry the four-person crew farther from Earth than any mission in over 50 years.
  • SpaceX has today ticked off a significant milestone, after its Falcon 9 rocket successfully fired a satellite into orbit for South Korea and two ships stationed in the ocean managed to catch both halves of the fairing as they fell back to Earth.
  • SpaceX has successfully deployed 60 communication satellites to bolster the population of its Starlink megaconstellation. The launch saw the third landing of a Falcon 9 core stage, and the impressive catch of a fairing half as it fell to Earth.
  • ​SpaceX has plans to eventually circle the Earth with thousands of satellites that will blanket the globe in high-speed internet, but it's all about baby steps for now. To that end, the company is preparing to fire a set of 60 satellite into orbit in the coming days.
  • NASA has selected the ride for its Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission, awarding SpaceX the US$69 million launch contract. If all goes to plan, DART will lift off atop a Falcon 9 rocket in June 2021 to demonstrate how a spacecraft collision can alter the trajectory of an asteroid.
  • Space history was made again today as the first private mission to the Moon lifted off from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. At 8:45 pm EST, Israel's Beresheet lunar lander was lofted into space atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket as it begins its two-month voyage.
  • ​​Rocket landings have almost become routine for SpaceX since its Falcon 9 booster safely touched down on Earth for the first time in December 2015. But not everything went to plan for the company as it delivered supplies to the ISS today.
  • The latest version of SpaceX's Falcon 9 booster lifted off today at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. At 4:14 pm EDT (20:14 GMT), the first Falcon 9 Block 5 rocket lifted off from Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A) carrying the Bangabandhu Satellite-1 into a Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO).
  • SpaceX's 14th mission to the International Space Station (ISS), and the second to use a refurbished Dragon cargo ship and Falcon 9 first stage booster in a single mission, has successfully launched. Onboard the unmanned spacecraft is about 5,800 lb (2,630 kg) of experiments and supplies.
  • ​​SpaceX has completed the 50th launch of its Falcon 9 rocket, with the successful insertion of the Hispasat 30W-6 communications satellite into a geostationary transfer orbit.
  • The first flight of SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket is scheduled for January 31.It will be the most powerful operational booster in the world –​ at twice the capacity of its nearest rival. To get a sense of perspective, let's see how it stacks up to the granddaddy of all space rockets, the Saturn V.
  • ​SpaceX has been carrying supplies to the International Space Station (ISS) for more than five years, but the company achieved something special with its latest visit, completing the mission using a refurbished Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft together for the first time. ​​
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