Machine Learning
The first satellite in a constellation designed specifically to locate wildfires early and precisely anywhere on the planet has now reached Earth's orbit, and it could forever change how we tackle unplanned infernos.
The Pixar lamp has inspired researchers at Apple to develop ways to make robots more expressive, and improve human-machine interactions – and it is simply adorable. Watch it help out with tasks and even dance along to music in the kitchen.
If you've ever used a nutrition app or kept a food diary to track calories, you'll know just how cumbersome the process can be. That's where the first automated food-logging wearable comes in, gathering all the data without any of the effort from you.
Researchers have used Fitbit data to train a machine learning algorithm to accurately predict mood swings associated with bipolar disorder. It opens the door to using a personalized algorithm to drive treatment of the life-impacting condition.
White canes are fine for helping blind users make their way down streets, but they can't tell those users what objects, signs or scenes are in front of them. That's exactly what the Seekr is designed to do, however, using a heapin' helping of AI.
In its latest video, Boston Dynamics' Atlas robot performs mundane tasks entirely autonomously using a machine learning vision model, but with a twist. And we do mean "twist."
The Toyota Research Institute has been doing some incredible work teaching robots to rapidly learn and perform tasks autonomously – now, it's bringing its Large Behavior Model tech to the extraordinary Atlas humanoid in partnership with Boston Dynamics.
Apple's Machine Learning Research wing has developed a foundational AI model "for zero-shot metric monocular depth estimation." Depth Pro enables high-speed generation of detailed 3D depth maps from a single two-dimensional image.
There could soon be a powerful new aid for people who are unable to speak. British scientists have developed a choker that detects its wearer's silently mouthed words, and converts them into audible synthetic speech.
Updating an ancient form of health diagnosis with modern machine learning, researchers have developed a remarkable system that can reveal a range of medical conditions including asthma and diabetes just by looking at your tongue. It aced its tests.
A 5,000-year-old therapeutic practice gets an upgrade. Fully automated, heated robotic arms powered by AI ensure that Aescape’s massager provides a personalized, customizable experience that doesn’t require you to be naked and covered in oil.
In the 1800s, a conflict between the founding fathers of evolution divided the community. Charles Darwin said sexual selection drove male butterfly looks, while rival Alfred Russel Wallace believed it was just natural selection. Now we have an answer.
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