Harnessing a principle known as triboelectrification, researchers have worked out the optimal way to generate an electrical charge in a relatively simple way. The breakthrough could provide a battery-free way to power wearables and other devices.
When learning to ride horses, equestrians have to become proficient in relaying cues to the animal via subtle changes in their riding posture. And while the horse can't tell them if they're doing so correctly, a new "smart" saddle possibly could.
Nanothermometers, while not a brand new idea, are still at the cutting edge of science. We've seen impressive results to date, but accuracy and resolution can always improve, and this is what researchers from the University of Technology Sydney in Australia believe they've achieved.
The NanoTritium betavoltaic power source from City Labs is a thumb-sized battery that draws on the energy released from its radioactive element to provide continuous nanoWatt power for over 20 years.
NanoEnergy thin-film battery technology can deliver 10-20 times more power than its coin-cell cousin, which makes it ideal for powering super small electronic devices.