Swansea University
If you want to stop potholes from forming in asphalt roads, you've gotta get 'em while they're still just tiny cracks. A new self-healing asphalt could one day do that very thing, utilizing spores obtained from moss.
Be thankful you didn’t live 20 million years ago, when the seas were patrolled by the Megalodon. This monstrous prehistoric shark was more than twice the size of a great white, and now a new detailed analysis has found just how big it really was.
New research, led by Professor Emily Shepard of Swansea University and Dr. Sergio Lambertucci of the Universidad Nacional del Comahue in Argentina, indicates that the Andean condor only flaps its wings one percent of the time it's in flight.
When it comes to human interactions with venomous snakes, we tend to think of that venom as something that was "designed" mainly for defense. A new study, however, suggests that it evolved first and foremost as a means of killing prey.
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria pose an ever-growing threat to human health. But looking to the past might help our future – researchers from Swansea University Medical School have discovered a new potential superbug killer in Irish soil, which has long been believed to have healing properties.
Ordinarily, steel plants have to regularly halt production while a disposable probe gets lowered into the molten steel, measuring its temperature and collecting samples for chemical analysis. That may not be the case for much longer, though, thanks to a new laser-based inspection system.
New research led by Swansea University has found a novel way to wring more health benefits out of tea, by making quantum dots from tea leaves and using them to slow the growth of lung cancer cells.
A Welsh university claims to have built the UK’s first low cost, low-carbon, energy-positive house. The Solcer House was built by Cardiff University’s Solcer Project, part of the LCRI Programme (Low Carbon Research Institute).