Mobile Technology

The CarGoDesk turns your car into an office

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July 16, 2006 Genuine productivity boosts are hard to find, so an item that improves productivity by 5 percent while you’re on the road and costs just US$300, seems like a bargain to us. The CarGoDesk is a portable organizer that turns the front passenger seat of any vehicle (right or left hand drive) into a workdesk – if you’re a road warrior or spend any time working from your car, the clever and lockable CarGoDesk could prove to be a significant boost to your effectiveness. The workstation is secured into your vehicle's passenger seat via the safety belt, providing a stable work surface and space for storage thus providing a convenient area for doing paperwork and computing. It is covered with a non-skid rubber material to keep your gear from sliding off when you go around corners, and two hinged, lockable storage compartments for all your papers and files.

Best of all, the CarGoDesk has a retractable handle and trolley wheels like a travelers wheelie bin and so can move from office to car and back as one, continually organized unit which can also be locked to the seat.And if you want to get the hamburger-with-the-lot, there are optional Cell phone, GPS, PDA, printer and fax machine mounts and even a 400 watt continuous power, (800 watt peak power) inverter.

According to Newport Communications Group, 22 percent of fleets in the United States consist of over 500 vehicles per fleet. If using a CarGoDesk mobile vehicle workstation saves just 10 minutes per day per vehicle, the return-on-investment savings in billable hours is substantial.The addition of a mobile vehicle workstation will give fleet drivers a technology edge that will help them be more productive and efficient.

The CarGoDesk is available in a number of models .

Distributor and licensee inquiries here.

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