Mobile Technology

The first universal mobile phone charger

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March 12, 2007 March 12, 2007 The world’s first universal mobile phone charger is being introduced at CEBIT this week. Designed by Professor Luigi Colani, a nearly 80-year-old legend in the field of industrial design, the Anyfix can recharge more than 80% of mobile phones on the market in Europe, and certainly recharges all of the major brand products. It is also terribly exclusive, in purest Colani style, which makes it as much of an object of art as it is a basic commodity!

AnyFix plugs into the electrical outlet and the choice of suitable connector is a matter of just pressing a button. Colani, who sees himself as following in the footsteps of the great natural scientist Galileo Galilei, places great emphasis on the fact, that the AnyFix design is bio-design in its purest form.

The main body as well as the dynamic arms of AnyFix have not been developed with trends or sales tactics in mind, but were take 1:1 from nature.

AnyFix lends its unmistakable outline and shape from one of the fastest and most effective swimmers in the world: the Dytiskus Marginalis, an only approx. 3.5cm long beetle which can move under water at up to 4 meters per second due to its uniquely streamlined body shape

A vast number of Prof. Colani's designs, including his ground-breaking world records in aeroplane and vehicle construction, were decades ahead of their time and helped shape entire industrial eras.

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