Health & Wellbeing

The Talking First Aid Kit

The Talking First Aid Kit
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July 29, 2005 If you’ve never done a first aid course, the chances are that a first aid kit would be of little use to you in an emergency. Given that the majority of people haven’t the foggiest idea about first aid, the talking first aid kit makes a lot of sense, particularly if it’s you with the sudden, potentially life-threatening injuries. Intelligent First Aid is designed to help people, with little or no first aid training, provide assistance to an injured person in the crucial minutes before professional help arrives. The kit includes individually wrapped packs of supplies critical for common injuries, such as bleeding, breathing problems, or broken bones. The audio chip affixed to each injury card takes the technology a step further – just press the button and it narrates step by step instructions to manage the injury, pausing and repeating when necessary.

Nine injury specific packs are available - Breathing, Bleeding, Shock, Head & Spine, Bone, Eye, Burns, Bites & Stings, and Basics, come complete with easy to follow color-coded picture instruction cards along with all the supplies you will need in an emergency.

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