Urban Transport

The trioBike: ingenious triple play inner urban transport

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September 6, 2005 Designed in Denmark, the trioBike is an affordable and flexible inner urban transport solution for a business, family or individual. The trioBike has three basic configurations – as a standard pushbike, as a human-powered transport vehicle with space for an 80 kilogram cache of goods or two children plus support system, or as a lightweight shopping trolley/pushchair. trioBike is designed to transform without the need for tools, has zero running costs (including free parking) and is obviously a pollution-free transport solution.

The prestigious Index: Awards for design and innovation are counting down to the final winners to be announced on September 23 with the field being culled from 538 nominations to a short list of 118 designs. Later this month the winning design in each of the five categories (work, home, body, play and community) will be announced, winning global acclaim the INDEX: Award of 100 000 Euro. One of the finalists we think has a big chance is the trioBike, a three-way reconfigurable bicyclke that could be used in a dozen different ways and would be a must-have for a young inner-urban family. First and foremost, it’s a stylish, fully-functional bike with no compromises.

It is the other functions of the trioBike that make it so intriguing and appealing as an inner city transport solution. In carrier-bike mode it is capable of carrying two children up to kindergarten age with their full life-support system or a month’s groceries, or delivering coffee beans, hairdressing supplies or inner-urban mail. Indeed, apart from the occasional need for a taxi or public transport for the long haul, the trioBike appears to cover most short distance needs in an inner urban environment … and we think that is a first for a human-powered vehicle.

Probably the most compelling aspect of the trioBike is that it transforms into any one of its three guises well inside 60 seconds WITHOUT tools and requires no more maintenance than an ordinary bike. It is a very durable and the lightest carrier bike available, due to the aluminium frame and the carrier made out of an impact proof compound material.

On busy workdays trioBike is an effective means for transporting a young family’s children in the city, as a parent can leave the carrier with the child at, for example, a childcare centre and continue riding as a traditional bike. If both parents ride a trioBike, it opens the possibility for one parent to drop off the children and the other to pick them up.

The cost of a trioBike will be similar to other carrier bikes, but you will not have to buy a separate pushchair or an ordinary bike, and in that respect it becomes a very affordable product.

We could go on about the trioBike motivating and facilitating a healthy lifestyle and being a convenient and economical way of transporting children for leisure activities.

This product is being introduced to the Danish market this month with an English version of the site planned to open next week.

In the near future the trioBike will be promoted in Holland, Northern Europe and the USA.

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