When professional athletes are having their performance analyzed, it's certainly not unheard of for them to wear motion capture suits while training in a lab environment. Coaches and others can then analyze their movements, to see where improvements could be made. Indian startup ProjectPOLE is now offering that same feedback to everyday athletes, with its Tracky motion-tracking sportswear.
Tracky consists of a compression top and pants, upon which are mounted 11 9-axis accelerometers, a heart rate sensor and a temperature sensor. Those are all connected to a memory/power unit called the hub, which is also fastened to a strap embedded in the shirt.
As the user performs their given activity, data from the sensors is stored on the hub. It's also transmitted in real time via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to their iOS or Android device. An app on that device processes the data, allowing the user to monitor and track various parameters of their performance.
Importantly, however, the app also offers feedback. This means that if the user's biomechanics, form or posture aren't right, for instance, it will let them know. It also does things like helping them to maintain an optimum heart rate while training, warning them to stop and rest when they're in danger of overheating, along with setting fitness/performance goals and sharing their progress online.

The app is currently optimized to perform feedback on running, cycling, boxing, tennis and soccer, although other activities (including yoga) are being added on an ongoing basis. The system also has an open API, so third parties can create programs of their own.
Tracky's sensors are charged through the hub, using a USB cable. One charge should be good for eight to ten hours of use. When it's time to wash the top and pants, the electronics can be removed from their mounting straps.
ProjectPOLE is currently raising production funds for Tracky, on Indiegogo. A pledge of US$179 will get you a system, when and if they're ready to go. Potential backers might also want to check out the motion sensor-equipped sportswear made by Heddoko, which is about to launch a crowdfunding project of its own.
More information on Tracky is available in the following pitch video.
Sources: ProjectPOLE, Indiegogo