Twitter Lite offers all the key features of the social media platform, but it takes up less than 1 MB of your mobile device's storage. It also loads faster, is more resilient on shaky mobile networks, and incorporates a data saver mode, making it perfect for those with limited access to data, storage, or network connectivity.
You won't find Twitter Lite in the App Store or Google Play Store. To access it, simply visit on your smartphone or tablet: Being browser-based is how Twitter Lite is able to offer those data and space-saving perks. It also means you don't need a Google Play or Apple account to use it.

According to Twitter, the new mobile experience has 30-percent faster launch times and quicker internal navigation. In its optional data saver mode, you can further reduce cellular data usage by up to 70-percent – it shows previews of images, and you decide which ones should fully load. Twitter Lite supports some offline use, so if you temporarily lose your connection, you won't be interrupted.
While the Twitter Lite experience offers some perks to all types of users, it will also help the platform spread into emerging markets like Asia Pacific and Latin America, where cellular data is expensive and connections are spotty.
Source: Twitter