New Atlas has a new look. We’ve launched a raft of improvements to make it easier for you to browse our latest articles and navigate through our extensive archive, which now spans almost two decades.
What hasn't changed is our approach. You can expect the same independent, considered coverage of advances in technology, science, transportation, architecture, and design from our international team of journalists.
We do need to ask one small favor. Basic and Plus Members who login via email will need to reset their password. Facebook logins will remain unchanged. We apologize for the inconvenience.
We'd love to hear your feedback on the new site. Please email us at
So my initial reaction to the new frontpage layout is 'not impressed'. It looks a lot more chaotic and inefficient (for browsing). Just 5 articles with a sub-heading. Less advertising space. Sometimes a working format doesn't need fixing. On the other hand, maybe you felt like the previous layout was starting to look dated. And your heatmaps might have indicated a poor use of screen real estate.
The article page does look better, with the wider format! But I will miss the gallery.
I'm curious if you've done user testing and what New Atlas hopes to achieve with the new layout. Would you let us know?
I would have preferred the new interface consisted of a filtered combined chronological news feed that includes everything I want and nothing I don't. This would require a simple users preferences setting page that lets me check show or hide on each subjects I am / am not interested in.
Please change back.