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Yamaha CDR hard drive combo

The new Yamaha CDR-HD1300 really does offer the very best of both worlds, being a CD recorder of the highest quality, and a music server (aka large capacity hard drive). The removeable hard drive is upgradeable, enabling the machine to be upgraded by the user in five minutes, from the lowest 20Gb (approx 30 uncompressed CDs or 30 hours of uncompressed music), all the way up to 137Gb (175CDs). Recording quality is enhanced by the Audio Master Quality Recording System (CD-R only) which reduces jitter and mistracking as well as extending the lifespan of the CD by expanding the recordable area of the disk surface by about 17%. This means that you only get 79 minutes running time from a 99 minute CD-R but it's a trade off for enhanced digital audio quality, which is maintained at every stage (no compression is used) giving optimum results for transferring LPs to CDs and preserving your vinyl treasures.

The CDR-HD1300 includes on-board audio editing features, high-speed ripping to the hard drive (10x) and recording (8x to CD-R, 4x to CD-RW), plus on-screen CD TEXT that displays album, artist and song titles.

The CDR-HD1300 costs AUS $1599 with an 80GB HD installed.

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