
Around the world in 0.083 days: Acabion's vision for future transport

Around the world in 0.083 days: Acabion's vision for future transport
Acabion foresees elevated roadways will be needed to accommodate the streamliner's speed
Acabion foresees elevated roadways will be needed to accommodate the streamliner's speed
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Acabion foresees elevated roadways will be needed to accommodate the streamliner's speed
Acabion foresees elevated roadways will be needed to accommodate the streamliner's speed
Acabion foresees elevated roadways will be needed to accommodate the streamliner's speed
Acabion foresees elevated roadways will be needed to accommodate the streamliner's speed
Acabion foresees elevated roadways will be needed to accommodate the streamliner's speed
Acabion foresees elevated roadways will be needed to accommodate the streamliner's speed
Acabion foresees elevated roadways will be needed to accommodate the streamliner's speed
Acabion foresees elevated roadways will be needed to accommodate the streamliner's speed
Acabion is aiming to start selling the GTBO by 2015
Acabion is aiming to start selling the GTBO by 2015
Acabion is aiming to start selling the GTBO by 2015
Acabion is aiming to start selling the GTBO by 2015
Acabion is aiming to start selling the GTBO by 2015
Acabion is aiming to start selling the GTBO by 2015
By 2100 Acabion sees a global network of maglev-driven vacuum tubes will be transporting drivers at speeds of over 12,400 mph
By 2100 Acabion sees a global network of maglev-driven vacuum tubes will be transporting drivers at speeds of over 12,400 mph
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Pneumatic Futurama-style transport systems were proposed as far back as the late 1800’s following the invention of pneumatic tubes for carrying mail around buildings. Swiss company Acabion sees such vacuum tube-based mass transport systems becoming a reality by 2100 and has conceived a vehicle capable of traveling at speeds of almost 12,500 mph (20,000 km/h) on such a platform. The company envisages a global network that would let users circle the globe in less than two hours and make transcontinental journeys possible in less than the time it currently takes to get across town.

The first step in Acabion’s grand vision for the future is the latest version of its GTBO road-ready streamliner – the GTBO VII “da vinci.” This fully electric vehicle would have a top speed of 373 mph (600 km/h) would be orders of magnitude more efficient than a current fully electric compact car.

Thanks to its reduced projected area, turbulence and aerodynamic drag, weight and rolling resistance, Acabion says at 12.4 mph (20 km/h) the vehicle is eight times (or 800 percent) more efficient and at 124 mph (200 km/h) it is 10 times more efficient than a current fully electric vehicle, however, the company claims efficiencies 25 times (2,500 percent) greater than such vehicles are ultimately possible.

The GTBO has been designed for speed and efficiency. Like the Zerotracer, it drives on two main wheels like a motorcycle, with two additional side wheels activated when driving at slow speeds or for parking. Acabion hopes to start selling its streamliners by 2015 for an estimated US$3 million but says prices will drop with mass production.

Acabion foresees elevated roadways will be needed to accommodate the streamliner's speed
Acabion foresees elevated roadways will be needed to accommodate the streamliner's speed

The company anticipates that, due to the streamliner’s speed potential, by 2050 new elevated roadways – like those mooted for cyclists in the Kolelinia concept – will be needed to separate it from its dilly-dallying forebears.

These fully automated high speed tracks would initially transport people at speeds of around 186.4 mph (300 km/h), before stepping up to 373 mph (600 km/h) in subsequent decades. The tracks would be used for both city and continental mid- and long-range trips with a 1,700+ mile (2,735 km) trip from Los Angeles to Memphis that would currently take more than a day cut to around four hours.

Additionally, the vehicles wouldn’t rely on their own battery packs for power but would draw their energy inductively from the roads themselves, which would be supplied with 100 percent solar power.

By 2100 Acabion sees a global network of maglev-driven vacuum tubes will be transporting drivers at speeds of over 12,400 mph
By 2100 Acabion sees a global network of maglev-driven vacuum tubes will be transporting drivers at speeds of over 12,400 mph

But even elevated tracks won’t suffice for the speeds people will be expecting by 2100. For long continental and intercontinental journeys Acabion envisages a global network of maglev-driven vacuum tubes, dubbed “traffic internet”, which will make it possible to travel at speeds of 12,427 mph (20,000 km/h). The company says that public commuter vacuum tube transport systems that would require larger tubes wouldn’t be feasible, but a 10-foot (3 m) diameter tube that would fit a streamliner would be. And such a system would still transport the same number as it would allow constant use instead of trains being spread out at regular intervals. Such a network would not only cross land, but also stretch through oceans, making a 30 minute commute from New York to Paris or San Francisco to Prague a reality.

While such a vision might seem outlandish now, Acabion is confident vacuum tube transport systems will come – and when they do, the company hopes its streamliners will be right inside, ferrying drivers around the globe at breakneck speed.

Via Wired.

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That sucks...
Alex Lopez
Paulgo, Read the book of Acabion online at their web. Flip book section. I\'m sure you will change your mind after reading it.
Y\'know, i\'m fairly sure that was a joke...
Vacuum tubes, etc.?
no more pollution, no more car exhaust, or ocean dumpage! From now on, we will travel in tube! Get the scientist working on the tube technology, technology...... ,chop, chop, lets go.
Im not bothered that they stole my idea but they can do it justice. At no point did i say they should lay tubing in the idiots. They need to build a tunnel structure that surfaces at continental shelf boundaries in hard rock.
By using gravity to acelerate the passengers they can eliminate accelaration and deceleration problems by computing the required area required to go down , along and up so that on a limited amount of assisted deceleration is required on the receiving end.
It is also possible to have the pods much larger than their tightly fitting torpedo of an idea. In fact it is a requirement i put in my proposal where people can put there luggage next to thewm as they would a train.
The pod would simply adjust there angle such that people were always on level ground as the underlying structure would make it smooth going.
Assited acceleration could be used if the gravitational acceleration is too disconcerting for people in testing perhaps.
Anyways im thankful they reinvented my idea but hey they need to put some thought in to taking the guts of other peoples ideas as well. There was more to the system as well which serviced entire metropolitan areas with pods available to jump in like buses, that went to a destination using a transit system that allowed inter/outer country travel as well.
I\'m sure that wheels will not be necessary if Acabion visionary concept evolves for eletromagnetic propulsion transport.
Vikram Vishwanath
haha this is hilarious, went through so much time to put together a bs website spouting more bs...
Excuse me but there is no need for streamlining in a vacuum.
Facebook User
Well, it\'s all very interesting - theoretically. I not sure this is actually practical. What do you build these elevated roadways out of and where do you build them and at what cost? Can they withstand hurricanes/cyclones, earthquakes, volcanic ash? Where do you get the energy to drive them? I liked to believe that solar energy alone is sufficient but I keep hearing how it is not.
This requires a MASSIVE and prosperous economy. And a rock stable one.
It\'s a nice dream. I don\'t discount dreams as they allow us to explore possibilities. And this should be given further examination, but I just don\'t see it happening on a large scale. Parts of this will very likely come into existance, but not the whole concept.
And in world news tonight, February 1st, 2110, a vacuum leak in the trans-European transport tube resulted in the deaths of 3,000 people, as their cars decelerated from 12,000 mph to less than 100 mph instanteously, while bursting into flame.
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