
Insane Saudi Arabian skyscraper will smash all current height records

Insane Saudi Arabian skyscraper will smash all current height records
Assuming it actually goes ahead, the Saudi skyscraper will reach an incredible maximum height of 2 km (1.2 miles)
Assuming it actually goes ahead, the Saudi skyscraper will reach an incredible maximum height of 2 km (1.2 miles)
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Assuming it actually goes ahead, the Saudi skyscraper will reach an incredible maximum height of 2 km (1.2 miles)
Assuming it actually goes ahead, the Saudi skyscraper will reach an incredible maximum height of 2 km (1.2 miles)

It's not yet official, but credible rumors are gaining momentum that the ridiculously tall skyscraper planned for Saudi Arabia which we covered last year is going ahead. If constructed, the incredibly ambitious 1.2-mile (2-km)-high building will dwarf all other man-made structures.

According to a recent report by the usually well-informed Dubai outlet MEED, the skyscraper will be part of a larger ongoing business district near Riyadh named the North Pole and is being designed by prestigious British studio Foster + Partners.

To put its height into perspective, the new tower will be around 3.5 times the height of the USA's tallest building, the One World Trade Center, and will even be over twice the height of Dubai's Burj Khalifa, which is the world's current tallest building. It will also be far taller than anything else planned, including the JEC Tower, which is also in Saudi Arabia.

The challenges to overcome are immense. For example, wind loads at such heights would crush a normal building, while even the ground itself may not be able to support it. Plus there are earthquakes to consider, too. It's enough to give any structural engineer sleepless nights.

The budget is expected to be around US$5 billion, but we have no word yet on a completion date, nor even finer details on what it will even look like yet. All going well, this is definitely going to take some time and MEED says that Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF), which is financing much of the current building boom in the country, only recently invited firms to bid to handle the project management, so it's very early days yet.

If it does indeed go ahead, it will be the latest in an astonishing number of Saudi skyscrapers being built at the moment, including Mukaab and the Line.

Source: MEED

At some point, this sort of "dick size" competition becomes embarrassing. If a building that tall causes more problems for the people using it than benefits, it's just stupid bragging, and not something to be proud of.
"My doctor advised me to take the stairs at work for my health. That's why I'm three hours late to the meeting."
Also, I predict this gets half-built and then blows over.
I can only imagine you would live and work in that building. The travel time up and down would be absurd.
Douglas Rogers
Maybe it could go all the way to the jet stream and have a giant wind turbine!
David F
Or build two half that height, and join them at various points up their sides with zip wires for superfast travel between the two.
Why, what could *possibly* go wrong?
They have been squirreling away their petrodollars for the time when petroleum is retired as a fuel source,but to squander it on this thing is insane. But then,it is the same country building a structure across the length of the country called "The Line"..
Something that occurs to me regarding this project: just how DEEP do the pilings have to be to support this structure and utterly obviate the possibility of something truly cataclysmic happening. Can pilings be driven deep enough for such a project? Granted, I'm no civil / structural engineer, but those questions had better have some very well-considered answers before they break ground!