Eeva is a small, water and energy-efficient machine designed to sit where your laundry basket would normally sit – bedroom, bathroom, or even in an RV or caravan – no hoses required. It'll get a load of laundry washed and dried in 90 minutes.
A laundry basket that does the laundry, then. Standing about 3.5-ft (1.07-m) tall and 2-ft (0.61-m) wide, it's a small and relatively portable washer/dryer capable of handling 8-9-lb (3-3.5-kg) loads. Designed to be used in places you wouldn't normally put your whitegoods, it runs quietly, and "deals with hot moisture internally" so no hot, humid air is vented into the room.
If you've got a water hose and drainage available, it'll use those as well as a wall socket to get the job done. If you don't, you can fill and empty a 2.5-gallon canister from a tap and it'll use that water instead. The designers say that's all it needs, provided you use the special detergent they've developed. A full wash/dry cycle only uses around 300 Watt-hours of energy, so if you're doing a long trip with a caravan or RV, it won't tax the battery too badly.

An LCD touchscreen lets you choose between modes and whatnot, and because we live in a dystopian hellscape, there's a smartphone app involved, through which you can marvel at how much water, energy and carbon emissions you've saved, as compared to an average washer/dryer.
It certainly seems like a neat and useful idea, and a different way of thinking about laundry – not that we woke up this morning looking for a different way of thinking about laundry. It could be an absolute game-changer for RV/camper/tiny home lifestylers.
It also kinda looks like a slam-dunk copyright case for Pixar, who will surely notice it looks an awful lot like WALL-E's girlfriend, and it's literally called Eeva. Good thing Disney isn't litigious about these things ... Oh, wait.

Either way, the sheer speed and convenience of this machine – not to mention the fact that it auto-dries your washing to eliminate stinky mildew and the facepalming that usually follows – have made it a huge hit on the Indiegogo crowdfunding platform, where it's currently rocketing towards 7,000% of its target.
Eeva can be pre-ordered today at a launch special of US$899, which includes 60 washes' worth of detergent. After that, you can get more, or they'll provide a list of other suitable brands. The creator (Paradigm Evergreen in Miami) says deliveries can be expected in October. Standard crowdfunding cautions apply, and at this stage the company will only be delivering in North America.
Check out a cheesy video below – we hope the company won't mind that we've done you a solid and chopped off a minute's worth of video at the start complaining about how much laundry sucks. We don't feel this point is in dispute, and we know your minutes are valuable.
Source: Eeva Indiegogo