
Electrify America's solar-topped stations to recharge EVs in style

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Electrify America has revealed new designs for its charging stations
Electrify America
Electrify America has revealed new designs for its charging stations
Electrify America
Electrify America's electric vehicle charger has received a facelift
Electrify America

VW subsidiary Electrify America is out to offer electric vehicle owners a plethora of locations to charge up their rides, and its next-generation stations should make them more comfortable while doing it. The vision includes customer lounges, solar canopies, and updated displays and cables, as the company continues building out its cross-country network of charging infrastructure.

Electrify America is aiming to install more than 1,800 charging stations across the US and Canada by 2026, and last year we saw the completion of its first-cross country route. Starting in Los Angeles and finishing in Washington DC, the route spans 11 states with the charging stations spaced around 70 miles (112 km) apart, with charging speeds running as high as 350 kW.

These are the speeds offered by Electrify America's ultra-fast DC chargers, which have been given a bit of a facelift as part of the new station design. Upgrades include a brighter and recessed display, a smaller footprint and a new cable management system and single connector cable for a more customer-friendly experience.

Electrify America's electric vehicle charger has received a facelift
Electrify America

As many of 20 of these ultra-fast chargers will feature at some of the new flagship stations, along with solar canopies for shelter and power generation, like some of Tesla's Supercharger stations. These next-generation stations will also feature electric vehicle showcase areas, event spaces, and customer lounges so folks can pass the time in comfort.

Across 2022 and 2023, the company plans to build these stations in Santa Barbara, San Francisco, San Diego and Beverley Hills in California, and in Manhattan and Brooklyn in New York.

“Electrify America will be reinventing the look and feel at many of our charging stations to meet and exceed the expectations of customers moving from a gas-powered vehicle to an electric lifestyle,” said Giovanni Palazzo, president and CEO of Electrify America. “These new designs will help elevate the charging experience for our customers, building on the foundation of our ultra-fast and reliable coast-to-coast network.”

Source: Electrify America

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I wish all of the news regarding EV charging infrastructure would dig a little deeper into costs for the consumer. While more charging stations are a noble endeavor, regardless of the TD-Lie settlement funding, the $0.43/kWh cost to charge equates to a 30 mpg ICE paying $4.22/gal.
The average residential electricity rate in the U.S. is 13.75 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh). The average electric price a business customer in the United States pays for electricity is 11.2 cents per kWh.
And we thought Big Oil was screwing us....
Electrify America is turning a tidy profit for what was supposed to be punishment/reimbursement for breaking the law. Somehow, corporate crime always seems to turn out well for the corp...
YAY! Up until now charging has been sub par to gas stations, no shelter from the rain, and in dark remote areas of large parking lots and many places difficult to find. That’s one of the reasons most people think there are fewer places to charge than what we already have. Unless you have downloaded the apps we wouldn’t be able to find them!
Charging stations that produce their own solar power might benefit from integrating battery storage. Austrian pioneer Kreisel Electric promoted the concept that these batteries can then also offer services back to the grid for voltage regulation. Additionally, stations then might not need expensive substation upgrades to handle peak demand.
What crap, do you know how large a solar array would have to be to supply one of these stations with the kind of power quick charging takes. Bet my bottom dollar they are getting government funding. Upgrade the grid, build electrical power storage on a large scale, and look to reducing greenhouse gases through science not mandates! I have tried to get an answer to a the question of what the environmental impact will be to produce 100,000,000 (in this country one billion in the world) new electric autos to replace our gas models and still have failed to get an answer.
I hadn't realized that the higher rate charging stations bypass the built in AC charger, and use a DC source to charge the DC batteries. Teslas also do this. High Voltage DC is the fastest charging.
To me the whole concept of charging stations is flawed. Stopping during busy times at gas stations along highways every gas pump is in use filling cars and trucks. Filling a tank usually takes a few minutes and then another car can top up. With the electric charging stations taking much longer to fill I suspect we will see long lines of cars waiting to top up. I think the only way to make this work is to have a standard swap-able battery in every vehicle that can be quickly replaced with the drained battery being quick charged and ready for reuse. I won't be in the market for an EV any time soon until this problem is solved.
This is just one choice of the many we will have to charge our EVs. Most of us will charge at home overnight, but those on a long road trip will enjoy a rest and recharge stop like this.
@MDR, 80% of drivers put less than 10 miles a day on their vehicle. They can charge their car once a week at home and =never= pay that 43 cents per kWh. Many EV owners also have solar and can charge from that, never paying another cent to the electric company. Yeah, if you drive a lot, an EV may not work for you, or it will be more expensive, but they will still be cheaper than buying gas, oil, and maintenance for an ICE vehicle. MOST people would do better with an EV, if only the companies would price them better.
Nelson Hyde Chick
We are going to save the environment by switching our ICE car for an electric car, too bad our old ICE cars are going to Africa: