It seems strange to be saying that there’s now another self-balancing electric unicycle on the market, but hey – that’s technology for you. Joining the likes of the eniCycle, Solowheel and SBU, we now have the LED-light-strip-adorned EcoBoomer iGo.
The 26-kg (57-lb) vehicle stays balanced on its 16-inch wheel via integrated gyroscopes, that detect and account for changes in the rider’s center of mass – these changes are detected mainly through the two folding footpads. As with a Segway, leaning into the handlebars causes it to move forward, pulling back causes it to stop, and turning is accomplished by leaning to either side.

Its 500-watt motor is powered by a 48-volt/8-Ah lithium-ion battery, that charges to full capacity in three hours. It has a range of 30 km (19 miles) per charge, and can manage a top speed of 21 km/h (13 mph) – given a hypothetical 73-kg (160-lb) rider. Its maximum payload is 115 kg (250 lb).
... and yes, it has strips of color-changing LEDs built into its body, that make it look rather Tron-like at night. It’s priced at US$1,595, and can be seen in action in the video below.
Source: EcoBoomer