
Dung-powered tractor drives down agricultural emissions

Dung-powered tractor drives down agricultural emissions
New Holland's T7 Methane Power LNG: a tractor powered by cow dung
New Holland's T7 Methane Power LNG: a tractor powered by cow dung
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New Holland's T7 Methane Power LNG: a tractor powered by cow dung
New Holland's T7 Methane Power LNG: a tractor powered by cow dung
The fuel cycle for an LNG-based energy independent farm
The fuel cycle for an LNG-based energy independent farm
Fueling up from a cryogenic methane tank
Fueling up from a cryogenic methane tank
Cow manure is washed out as a slurry, and kept in covered lagoon tanks like the one on the right, where anaerobic digestion can turn it into biogas
Cow manure is washed out as a slurry, and kept in covered lagoon tanks like the one on the right, where anaerobic digestion can turn it into biogas
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New Holland Agriculture has announced a new tractor designed to run on fuel created on-site using cow manure. The T7 Methane Power LNG offers the same power and torque as a diesel tractor, but it's part of a system that can greatly reduce emissions.

The system, upon which New Holland has partnered with UK company Bennamann, works roughly like this: farmers collect as much cow poop as possible as a slurry, and instead of directly using it as fertilizer, they pump it into large tanks, or covered lagoons. Anaerobic organisms chow down on this lumpy thickshake, and produce a biogas that contains mainly methane.

This gas is collected and purified into biomethane, which can be used around the farm wherever natural gas would normally be used. Or, it can be compressed and liquefied into LNG, or liquefied natural gas, which needs to be kept in cryogenic tanks at -162 °C (-260 °F). This can be sold off as a product, or used directly to run specially tailored engines. The solid remainder of the waste is used as fertilizer.

Cow manure is washed out as a slurry, and kept in covered lagoon tanks like the one on the right, where anaerobic digestion can turn it into biogas
Cow manure is washed out as a slurry, and kept in covered lagoon tanks like the one on the right, where anaerobic digestion can turn it into biogas

The T7 Methane Power LNG is currently a concept tractor, but according to New Holland, it's the world's first tractor designed to run on LNG, allowing farmers to create their own fuel.

According to this 2018 study in Applied Energy, producing and selling biomethane only begins to make sense economically if you're running more than about 3,600 head of cattle, due to the expensive equipment needed for the purification and liquefaction of the biogas. It would appear Bennamann has a solution here, in the form of mobile equipment that can travel from farm to farm, periodically converting captured biogas to LNG. The company also sells the cryogenic tank systems needed to keep the LNG at temperature.

How much LNG can you expect from a certain number of cattle, and at what point does a system like this start paying for itself? Well, this is hugely variable, depending on the breed, what you're feeding them, how much of their time they spend in open pasture as opposed to in barns or stables where their poop can easily be collected. So the question of whether this kind of system makes sense is highly dependent on each individual operation, although Bennamann says its approach is designed to be profitable for "livestock farms of any size."

The fuel cycle for an LNG-based energy independent farm
The fuel cycle for an LNG-based energy independent farm

But in an environmental sense, the effects are significant. Methane is a much more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide over the short term. Over a time span of 20 years, a kilogram of methane in the air will produce a warming effect more than 80 times stronger than a kilogram of carbon dioxide – it's only on the scale of thousands of years that carbon dioxide overtakes it, since methane breaks down more quickly.

Capturing all those methane emissions from cow poop, then turning them into LNG, then running them through a tractor engine is not an entirely clean process; the tractor exhaust still contains carbon dioxide. But by effectively capturing a whole lot of methane emissions and transforming them into carbon dioxide emissions, as well as preventing the burning of fossil fuel that would otherwise run the tractors, the environmental results are significantly better. "The CO2 reduction for a 120-cow farm is potentially equivalent to around 100 western households," according to New Holland.

Check out a video below.

New Holland T7 Methane Power. World’s first liquified Methane Powered tractor.

Sources: New Holland, Bennamann

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In the UK many farmers process biogas for power production as the UK government give them a loopy price for the electricity. It will only take a small step for the LNG conversion provided by the itinerant freezer mentioned in the article to allow their tractors to use it. Hopefully the tractors are dual fuel otherwise the point is missed. The freezer man fails to turn up and the farm grinds to a halt!!
Captain Danger
I did some work at a dairy farm in Oklahoma in the late 90's. I think they had about 10-12,000 cows. Before the electrical grid was set up downs in the western USA provided their own electrical power with large stationary engines running generators. This farm had purchased a unit and used cow dung to produce methane to run the engine (which was originally run on natural gas). When I was onsite the engine was being rebuilt because impurities in the methane had damaged some internal components. Perhaps the production process for the methane has improved. A couple of other points. I know that in the 40'and 50's you could by a John Deere tractor that would run on Liquefied Natural Gas (they had the big round fuel tanks) so I am not so sure about the claim of being the worlds first. Also unless this tractor can also run on propane or natural gas it will not be worth much because if the farmer runs out of methane they will be stuck. Mobile units for on site production of natural gas ? Maybe but I would be curious to know how long it would take to convert 50 tons of dung. I would think it would be more efficient to transport the raw material to a central location and return with a load of fuel , although the poster provided by New Holland does mention fixed or mobile units. However I think that poster is a bit ingenuous as it seems to imply that 120 cows will be able to supply fuel for 1 tractor. I am all for extracting the methane as I hate to see the energy wasted but I wonder if there are better (more efficient) uses it could be put to instead of running tractors.
Captain Danger January 16, 2023 05:12 AM - Agreed. Like producing electric on the farm for lighting, heating/cooling, milk production, for the home on the farm and many other things, like electric tractors and other farm vehicles, quad bikes, loaders etc.
Sounds needlessly expensive, wasteful. Those large bags are the methane storage usually used to make electricity on demand, not energy wasting pressures, cooling needed or wanted. To use for the tractor all that is needed is a say 200 PSI compressor and just use a larger tank. That costs about 10% of this system. And can be added to most tractors by running on biodiesel, veg oil then adding the methane to the intake well mixed. Or convert the diesel to ignition methane which isn't hard, just a new fuel, ignition system and maybe thicker head gaskets. Methane can take and needs high compression. Not sure why farmers were not making biodiesel, filtered veg oil, ethanol long ago to fuel their equipment. Ethanol especially as about $1/gal to make, less if you have cattle to feed the mash to..
Just a couple of observations: 1. Dung and burning wood was our first level civilization energy source. While we get better at conversion aren't we reverting back our civilization. 2. Farmers use dung as dual purpose, energy source and fertilizer. If you take from one you reduce the supply. In case of fertilizer, to purchase modern fertilizer requires a high energy process for the Nitrogen. Seems likely that just running off natural gas would be better. 3. Cows generate a lot of methane from burping what we really need is collectors for front and back of the cow to capture energy and leave the dung for fertilizer.