
Powder brushed onto electrodes brings high-capacity batteries closer

Powder brushed onto electrodes brings high-capacity batteries closer
A novel film developed at Rice University could help unlock next-generation energy storage technology
A novel film developed at Rice University could help unlock next-generation energy storage technology
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Study authors James Tour, Weiyin Chen and Rodrigo Salvatierra have developed a promising approach to next-generation battery technology
Study authors James Tour, Weiyin Chen and Rodrigo Salvatierra have developed a promising approach to next-generation battery technology
A novel film developed at Rice University could help unlock next-generation energy storage technology
A novel film developed at Rice University could help unlock next-generation energy storage technology
Schematic depicts the protective powder brushing technique developed at Rice University
Schematic depicts the protective powder brushing technique developed at Rice University
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Of the many different designs being explored by scientists in pursuit of better batteries, lithium-metal is an architecture that holds great potential. One problem holding the technology back, however, is the formation of tentacle-like growths called dendrites that quickly cause battery failure. Scientists at Rice University have put forward a promising solution to this problem in the form of fine powder that can be brushed onto electrode surfaces to ensure their survival.

A lithium-metal battery would see the graphite used as the anode, one of a lithium battery's two electrodes, replaced with pure lithium metal. This material offers a very high energy density and could enable batteries to charge much faster and offer as much as 10 times more capacity, but getting them to work reliably over long timeframes has proven difficult so far.

As the battery is cycled, dendrites begin to form on the anode and can cause the battery to short-circuit, fail or catch fire. We've seen many interesting potential solutions to this dendrite problem, and Rice University scientists have been responsible for more than few, with nanotube films, adhesive tapes and laser treatments just some of the recent examples.

Study authors James Tour, Weiyin Chen and Rodrigo Salvatierra have developed a promising approach to next-generation battery technology
Study authors James Tour, Weiyin Chen and Rodrigo Salvatierra have developed a promising approach to next-generation battery technology

In their latest work, the battery scientists led by chemist James Tour have sought to solve this problem with a novel brushing treatment. The technique begins with the brushing of the anode to create a textured surface, and then brushing a powder made of phosphorus and sulfur into it. This causes the powder to react with the lithium metal anode to form a fine, protective film that alters its surface energy.

Schematic depicts the protective powder brushing technique developed at Rice University
Schematic depicts the protective powder brushing technique developed at Rice University

"This provides a metal composite surface that prevents the loss of lithium metal from the anode, a common problem in lithium metal batteries," Tour said. "Lithium metal batteries far exceed the capacity of traditional lithium-ion batteries, but the lithium metal is often difficult to repeatedly recharge."

The film has the effect of tuning the anode surface to promote more uniform behavior during cycling, which promotes the longevity of the battery. It was put through its paces in test cells across 340 charging cycles and saw them retain 70 percent more capacity than off-the-shelf batteries. The film also performed well with regard to another key metric of battery degradation, retaining ultra-low polarization for more than 4,000 hours, around eight times longer than anodes without the film.

“This would simplify the manufacture of high-capacity batteries while greatly improving them,” Tour said. “Sanding these powdered solids into a lithium metal anode dramatically reduces dendrite formation that can short circuit a battery, as well as the accelerated consumption of the materials.”

The research was published in the journal Advanced Materials

Source: Rice University

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Yada yada yada. Unless you make it so talk is cheap.
Interesting, is it regular sulfur or that new gamma phase sulfur that was recently created? If it’s just regular sulfur then they might want to consider switching to the latter, it might further improve the performance of the batteries.
Batteries are NOT the answer. Hydrogen or similar is. Have you ever seen what it takes, to make lithium batteries? How much destruction of the Earth? You'd think the green type people would be all up in arms over the massive lithium mines, but they are not. They'd rather stop the laying of a pipeline. Oil drilling and refining takes up less room and what not, than these stupid lithium mines.
DJ's "Feed Me Doggie"
Batteries and hydrogen are still highly dependent on fossil fuels. Current electric cars are also highly dependent on fossil fuels. So cut the BS and admit the politicians have no idea about the science and economics regarding their electric fantasies. With that said it boils down to a hybrid approach. Sorry but Biden and Congress do not have the knowledge to bring really meaningful changes to the Country.
"across 340 charging cycles and saw them retain 70 percent more capacity than off-the-shelf batteries." Does this mean the result of the new process is a battery that retains only 70% energy after 340 cycles? If so it's a poor result. P51d007- Fossil fuels have to go, ASAP. Electrification is the only answer we have, at present; have YOU seen the destruction of our environment by these & RU aware of the health effects? I think not. Lithium mines are tiny in comparison to global oil & coal! "Oil drilling and refining takes up less room" - absolutely false. Hydrogen will, I believe be the long term answer but is some years away; also likely is GEN IV MSR nuclear for major industrial use. Batteries are the best we have for the time being. czechster - renewables have come a long way, some countries are close to 100% green power... but not the USA yet. Too many in your nation are blind (or ignorant) to the danger of their continued use. A hybrid approach means what- hybrid vehicles? Plug ins are better than nothing, plain hybrid is a waste of time.