Vietnamesearchitect Chu Van Dong from D12 Design studio has completed hissecond edition of the tiny Forest House, which we brought to youearlier this year. Dubbed Forest House 02, the additional tinydwelling sits up-hill from the original tiny home and is surroundedby vast forest landscape in the Sóc Sơn District, 30.6 km (19 mi)outside of Hanoi, Vietnam.
The45 sq m (484.4 sq ft) Forest House 02 restson two stilts and is built in an L-shapeto capitalize on the home's naturalsurroundings, while also giving the impression of more space.Constructedusing local pine wood, the timber home is built with a steel framecore, lightweight concrete and clay stone.

Indesigning and constructingthe dwelling, ChuVan Dong paid attention to the overall load of the structure, inorder to have as little impact on the land as possible. The positionof both homes also took into consideration the pre-existingtrees on the site in an effort to notdisturb the habitat byretaining and incorporatingtheminto the architecturallayoutof the homes.
Designedto accommodate two to four guests, the home boastsa simple design,featuringlarge floor-to-ceiling glass panels; warm interior timber cladding onthe walls and ceiling; polished wooden floors; simple wall kitchen with marble benchtops and splashback;large open lounge with double sofa bed; a separate master bedroom;stunning bathroom complete with free-standing bath and beautifulstone walls. Adouble glass sliding door connects the kitchen area to the outdoorlandscape which leads to an outdoor tub located amid the lushforest setting.

Inspiredby treehouses, thehome also features a fun exterior net terrace that takesadvantage of the height of the front of the home and adjoinsboth the living area and the master bedroom. The net sits high abovethe ground like a bird's nest, wrapping around a pre-existing tree. We are unsure if the net is actually safe to use but it sure looks great.

"Designedas a small wooden box lying on the sloping hill, each house has asolid structure," says ChuVan Dong."The interior is arranged reasonably, compact and full offacilities, including glass windows throughout the home, which lookstraight out over the woods. It's extremely poetic."
CostingUS$21,558tocomplete,the Forest Home 02is a great example for tiny living possibilities and with a fewadditions, such as solar roof panels and anexternalwater tank, this home could easily be transformed into anoff-gridtiny residence.
D12 Design via Archdaily