Virtual Reality

Traversing the gap between Gear VR and PC-based VR: Experience-wise, how much better are the Rift and Vive?

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We've had different versions of the Gear VR for 15 months, and we've had many demos with the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive – allow us to lend you some perspective
Will Shanklin/Gizmag
We've had different versions of the Gear VR for 15 months, and we've had many demos with the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive – allow us to lend you some perspective
Will Shanklin/Gizmag
The mobile Gear VR, which may not quite be "almost" an Oculus Rift, but in some ways comes closer than you'd imagine
Will Shanklin/Gizmag
Oculus founder Palmer Luckey, showing off the Oculus Touch controllers at the company's June 2015 launch event
Will Shanklin/Gizmag
Oculus Rift headset, with Oculus Touch controllers
Will Shanklin/Gizmag
Enjoying room-scale VR with the HTC Vive
David Nield/Gizmag
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We think the Gear VR is the best mobile virtual reality right now by a long shot. But just how far is it behind the leading PC-based VR headsets, the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, on an experience level? We have a few thoughts.

In addition to having had a Gear VR in-house since the first Innovator Edition launched in late 2014, we've spent quality time at various events with multiple versions of the Rift and Vive. As pre-orders for both PC headsets are now dangling in the air, maybe you're wondering just how much better they are, or whether you'll be fine standing pat with the cheaper and simpler Gear.

The subtitle of our Gear VR review was "Almost an Oculus Rift" ... and, in retrospect, that may have been toying a bit with the relative meaning of "almost" (sorta-kinda almost may have been more like it). But the point was the Gear VR's best games come closer than most people would expect to Oculus Rift games. The Gear VR flagship game HeroBound: Spirit Champion and horror game Dreadhalls, for example, both feel very much like Rift games (and in fact, they are). Gear VR title Eve: Gunjack has simpler, more stationary gameplay compared to its Rift companion Eve: Valkyrie, but otherwise looks like the same game set in the same universe.

Yes, the Gear is mobile and no, it's not really in the same class as the Rift. But at its best the experience is, if not in the same ballpark, then at least tailgating in the parking lot, roasting some weenies, waiting for its chance to sneak into the cheap seats.

The mobile Gear VR, which may not quite be "almost" an Oculus Rift, but in some ways comes closer than you'd imagine
Will Shanklin/Gizmag

There are only three ways that we see today's Gear VR lagging behind the Rift and Vive: no positional (leaning/movement) tracking, no motion controllers and lower raw horsepower. The Rift and Vive, meanwhile, lag behind the Gear VR in two ways: they're wired (tethered to a high-ish end gaming PC) and much more expensive.

The horsepower factor comes into play with Rift games that milk their PC graphics cards for all they're worth. Titles like Chronos, Eve: Valkyrie and Edge of Nowhere (among others) are visually far beyond anything you can play on the Gear today. And once you get past the Gear's very best titles, the rest of its storefront has plenty of arcade-like fluff that plays exactly like what you'd expect from a rapidly-developed smartphone game. Those don't compare to the Rift in any respect.

Put another way, the Rift's best games are, on a visual and depth of gameplay level, far ahead of the Gear's best games. And the Gear's worst games may as well hang a neon sign on their door saying "Mobile! Indie! Arcade!" But there is an overlap area, where the Rift's more middle-of-the-pack content will line up pretty well with the Gear's better content.

Oculus Rift headset, with Oculus Touch controllers
Will Shanklin/Gizmag

Keep in mind, though, that horsepower is a moving target. Last January, Oculus Product VP Nate Mitchell told us that he expected the Gear VR to follow about two or three years behind the Rift – presumably meaning the 2017 or 2018 Gear VR would be as capable as the Oculus Rift Crescent Bay prototype from that day, which was essentially today's consumer Rift with a different exterior.

Paul Bettner, creator of Rift launch title Lucky's Tale, agrees. Earlier this year he told us "It looks to me, from the way the technology is progressing, that easily in 18 months, 24 months, you would be able to have a Lucky's Tale experience on mobile. This stuff is just moving so fast." When pressed about whether he meant a watered-down mobile version or a nearly-direct port, he didn't rule out the latter. "Well, we'll see. Again it depends on what the technology makes available to us."

Bettner's conclusion? "It seems like most of the experiences you're getting in the Rift today, you will be able to get in mobile VR in the next two years."

Oculus founder Palmer Luckey, showing off the Oculus Touch controllers at the company's June 2015 launch event
Will Shanklin/Gizmag

For the Gear VR to fully catch up with the Rift, it would need not only more powerful smartphones on the inside, but also at least one positional sensor along with motion controllers equivalent to Oculus Touch (above). Apart from some Samsung prototypes which were shown at CES as little more than "who knows if these will ever get made?" teasers, we haven't yet seen any public movement in that direction. There's also the fact that portability is one of the Gear VR's biggest strengths, and adding an external sensor to that equation would limit this advantage. That's a tradeoff we'd take in a heartbeat (don't most people use the Gear VR at home anyway?), but it could be one reason why Samsung and Oculus haven't yet prioritized body tracking for the Gear.

What if you've used the Gear VR, but haven't gotten a chance to try the consumer Rift or Vive? How can you use that experience to get a sense of what the Rift is like? Well, imagine what you saw in the Gear VR, only add positional tracking (so when you lean in, stand up or walk around, the world responds as you'd expect it to), deeper gaming experiences and higher-fidelity environments. And that's assuming you were playing a higher-tier Gear VR game like Herobound, Dreadhalls, Land's End or Eve: Gunjack, and not one of the many lower-quality titles in the Oculus Store.

Enjoying room-scale VR with the HTC Vive
David Nield/Gizmag

This isn't a zero-sum equation, as there will likely always be room for PC/console VR and mobile VR existing side-by-side. If mobile VR will indeed catch up with today's PC VR in a couple of years, then you can bet that, at that point, the Rift and Vive will be far ahead of where they are today. That will be an exciting time for virtual reality, when you can pop your smartphone into a headset and get an experience that's as dazzling as today's Oculus Rift (only wireless!) or connect your PC to an Oculus Rift 2 (or whatever it's called by then) and get something that's far ahead of that. On both counts, you can count us in.

Right now VR is finally set to transition from long-hyped buzzword into a consumer reality, but if consumers at large fall in love with VR in the next couple of years, then rapid evolution in both mobile and PC will be ready to accommodate them. The considerable but maybe not as big as you'd think gap between mobile VR and PC VR will always be there, but they're both going to move forward at an incredible clip. We can't wait.

For more, you can read our review of the consumer Gear VR and our latest hands-ons with the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

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Is the rift sharper than the gear? Also do you see the pixels as much? I like the experience with the gear vr but find it fairly soft/blurry.
"But at its best the experience is, if not in the same ballpark, then at least tailgating in the parking lot, roasting some weenies, waiting for its chance to sneak into the cheap seats."
That is brilliant.
Derek Howe
I agree with Matt. I also have played with a Gear VR, and it was a cool experience, but I also found it to be a little blurry and lack in the crispness department. I have already pre-ordered a Vive, and am in the process of ordering all my parts for a new gaming pc, so I can play it. I disagree about the time frame. To have gaming pc power, in your phone...that's not 2 years away, it's likely 4-5. Either way though, the VR revolution is (almost) finally here!
I would like to see a much more pwoerful and capable Gear VR version, considering its price. Instead of only having a VR device for $700, I have my device I use every day everywhere I go (I actually use my phone as a tool, not a social media hub), AND awesome VR experiences. I think they could design it so that it can be used both ways; without the sensors and such as it does now, AND also have the option to use them. Make extra money by selling headset at cheaper price standalone, and sell the extra sensors and accessories separately. I am sure they can design the software to be able to identify whether there are extra sensors connected to the device. I would prefer to share the lesser experience with my kids, rather than allowing them to handle the extra parts that are bound to break or get sticky or whatever other unexpected event involving children, and have the full experience for myself :).
@ MattDean - Did you make adjustments with the focus wheel? I do not see any blur, unless my wife just used it and I don't have my contacts in (she has perfect vision). Maybe certain games I have played, but I would put that more to the developers than the headset. I have played games and used apps that have beautifully crisp visuals.
@Derek Howe - I am sorry, but have you been paying attention to the progress on mobile devices these past 5 years? The past 2 years have had tremendous progress in hardware capabilities. My Galaxy S7 has 4 GB of memory, which is either more or equal to the majority of casual machines being used by consumers. The graphics power is MUCH greater than any of them without a dedicated graphics card (not including devices using hardware like AMD's A8-A10 or whatever CPU's with built-in graphics, obviously). Next year will be minimum 6 GB RAM I guaranteed. CPU power and graphics are going to be increasing as well. While a full-on powerhouse gaming rig is likely going to ALWAYS have more powerful hardware options, as they are also progressing in more powerful hardware (which the pricing and power can become completely overkill for anyone who isn's an extremist), mobile devices are not far behind what we have currently available.