There are already a fair number of folding electric scooters to choose from, although most of those have tiny wheels and no seat. If you're looking for something a little more road- and butt-worthy, there are still some choices – and one of the latest is the Dutch-made GiGi.
The scooter's front end folds sideways relative to the rear, so that the front and back wheels end up sitting side-by-side – the handlebar column then telescopes down, the bars are folded back, and the whole thing can be wheeled along like a shopping trolley. It reportedly fits easily into the back of a car, or onto a train.

The GiGi weighs 32 kg (70.5 lb), can carry a maximum payload of 100 kg (220.5 lb), has a top speed of 25 km/h (16 mph) and a maximum range of 35 km (22 miles). One charge of its lithium-ion battery pack takes 3.5 hours, using a standard wall outlet.
Although it was first designed a few years ago, the GiGi has just recently become commercially available in select markets, priced at €3,995 (about US$4,483). You can see it in action, in the following video.
Source: GiGi