
Golf Bike provides "greens" transportation

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The Golf Bike in its natural habitat
The base Golf Bike will be priced at $1,200, with a "Made in USA" version going for $1,800
The bike features built-in golf club bags
The Golf Bike in its natural habitat
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Although golfers who use golf carts (or the various powered alternatives) do miss out on a good source of exercise, walking from hole to hole can indeed get monotonous. It was with this paradox in mind that the Golf Bike was created.

So, what makes the Golf Bike an actual "golf bike"?

For starters, it has built-in golf club bags. Users transfer their clubs into those bags at the start of a round, making sure to distribute the weight more or less evenly. It also has small-diameter wheels that require less torque to accelerate, along with relatively wide, soft tires – both of these features are intended to minimize damage to the course.

The bike features built-in golf club bags

Additionally, it has a low-profile mixte frame, making things easier for riders/players who are repeatedly having to get on and off the bike.

The Golf Bike should be available for purchase as of this summer (Northern Hemisphere). The base model will be priced at US$1,200, with a "Made in USA" version going for $1,800.

Source: The Golf Bike

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The Skud
This could be a good idea. More exercise while still playing golf. I worry though, those tires are not that wide, so a heavy golfer still might leave tracks. That is why Segway and others have put out 'golf' versions and why golf carts have wide tyres.
never mind the golf part....where can I buy the bike itself without the racks
If those tyres aren't wide enough, widen them, and if that doesn't do it, mount two wheels side-by-side with the chain running right down the middle.
This is a great idea. Speeds up play too.
Dan Lewis
RRRRIIIINGG!! Oops! There's the bell again - Time to Get Real.
The little scooters' narrow wheels won't hurt the turf at!
I realize we all need jobs, but trying to make money on golf turf bikes is a mighty bad one. Even golf carts can wear away the turf.
What happened to Gizmag's sense of good and bad ideas? FIND IT and put it back where it belongs.
$1,200 - $1,800 really?
Good Idea, Off the wall Pricetag