Good Thinking

HeatSeeker mister keeps firefighters cool

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The HeatSeeker is a cooling mister that replaces the existing hose port cap on a fire truck
The HeatSeeker is a cooling mister that replaces the existing hose port cap on a fire truck
This particular model of HeatSeeker features six stainless steel misting nozzles

Firefighters face many dangers, including burns, smoke inhalation and structure collapses. Because they're required to wear all that heavy gear while performing strenuous activities, however, they also risk heat stroke. That’s why firefighter Michael Robinson invented the HeatSeeker – a device that attaches to a fire truck’s existing hose port, creating a cooling mist.

Robinson came up with the idea just last October, when he saw how tired some of his fellow firefighters looked after responding to their third fire within one shift. He proceeded to develop a gizmo that he called the Sixshooter – a chrome-plated brass cap, equipped with six misting nozzles made by Ecologic Technologies.

The idea was that the device could be attached to one of the unused hose ports on a fire truck, providing a cooling mist that firefighters could step into to keep from overheating. Unlike already-available fans and misters, it would require no power source, and take up no more room than a regular hose port cap.

This particular model of HeatSeeker features six stainless steel misting nozzles

An improved version of that device is now commercially available as the HeatSeeker. It reportedly sets up in seconds, uses “minimal water,” and can cool an area by up to 30 degrees Fahrenheit.

Different sizes and configurations of HeatSeekers are available, with prices ranging from US$59.99 to $119.99 – powder coat finish and engraving are extra. Non-firefighters can also check out the HotShot model, which is designed to fit on the end of a garden hose for home use.

Source: HeatSeeker Technology & Design via PopSci

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JA Larson
Misting systems work well in hot, dry climates.
There are other options.
However, heat injuries are caused by heat (both external & internal), so pacing, cooling, hydration, treatment, et al are needed.
jaison Sibley
Come to think about it , If only internal (in suit) climate control is needed , the suit can be equipped on the outside with efficient , high heat tolerance Peltier pumps ( small die-electric plates ) which serves as cooling the inside and generating electricity to circulate air inside . It will work best when exposed to high heat at temps greater than 50deg celcius on the outside . It needs some efficiency testing first since its just an idea .