City offices aren't always the most inspiring places to work, but the KantoorKaravaan is designed to help workers boost their productivity by letting them take their work to the great outdoors. Designed by Dutch firm The Tipping Point Foundation, the solar-powered, self-contained micro-office features everything required to get work done.
The KantoorKaravaan project actually comprises several units other than the converted caravan pictured above, ranging from small two- and three-person work spaces to larger "board room" models. Each is portable and outfitted with a solar power array and battery system that will run a laptop and small devices, along with LED lighting and an espresso machine. A MiFi mobile internet router gets users online.
Solar-powered lighting is also used in the offices and an efficient biomass cooker is on-hand for preparing food and hot water. Should visitors wish to stay for a while, tent accommodation and mobile composting toilets are available.

The off-grid offices have already visited several locations in Holland and plans are afoot to bring similar offices to Sweden, Greece, Spain, and the US. The Tipping Point reports that users so far have included creative types, entrepreneurs, and business workers.
The price for renting a KantoorKaravaan is flexible, and the occupant is asked to pay what they can afford, with contributing to unit maintenance potentially counting towards the bill.
Source: The Tipping Point via Treehugger