
KFC's "Memories Bucket" packs a photo printer in the base

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The Memories Bucket has a Bluetooth printer built into its base
The Memories Bucket has a Bluetooth printer built into its base
The bucket connects to your smartphone using Bluetooth
Buttons on the bottom of the bucket control the printer
You select the images you want to print from the bucket on your smartphone
Printed images come from the bottom of the bucket
Images resemble Polaroid images from the past
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To celebrate its 60th anniversary in Canada, KFC has built a photo printer into the base of its iconic chicken bucket. Dubbed the "Memories Bucket" the limited edition pail connects to a smartphone via Bluetooth to print out the many precious memories you’ve made while downing your dinner.

The printer-packing bucket follows on from the Bluetooth tray liner keyboards distributed in Germany earlier this year. But while those were designed to prevent the transfer of grease from fingers to phone, the Memories Bucket would look to have the opposite effect.

But it's a moot point as the bucket doesn't look like it will be made widely available, with the fast food company saying on its Facebook page that it will be "giving a few away."

You can see the Memories Bucket in action in the video below.

Source: KFC Canada

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Jay Finke
KFC stopped deep frying with a pressure cooker years ago, I haven't been to one since.
Kevin Ritchey
I think Yum! Industries needs to focus more on developing good food products rather than developing pictures of grease-laden animal by-products. But, that's just me.
Joe Nickence
A photo printer? And how much of the cost of that will they hide in their pricing until they are gone?