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LG Internet Refridgerator

The LG adverts on telly don't do it justice. The LG Internet Refrigerator has the coolest set of features ever seen in the kitchen. It is a 730 litre, stainless-steel, side by side fridge, with an in-built computer which can be accessed via a 37 centimetre touch-screen LCD monitor mounted on the fridge door. Users can watch TV, listen to MP3 music, take and store digital photos, make a video phone call, use the fridge as a message board or surf the web. It also has VCR and DVD ports, a microphone and speakers. Information about food in the fridge can be stored and a map of the fridge allows the owner to keep an inventory of what foods are in each section and how long they have been there. It's biggest advantage will be its functionality as a food management system. It also has an inbuilt hard drive and modem, so that the appliance can be 'connected' by simply running a phone connection into it. $15,000 is the anticipated RRP when it's released later this year.

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Refridgerator? Really? And, for that price one must use a dial-up connection to the internet? Couldn\'t they have at least provided a wireless connection? That would certainly be a neater way of doing it. I can\'t imagine running a phone line into my fridge. (On top of which, how would anyone actually use it for its intended purpose? You\'d have to \'shoo\' the family away in order to open the doors.) I think the \'old-fashioned\' way is best. You know, where the fridge is the fridge, and the family all sits round the kitchen counter or table with their laptops. LOL!
Or just put an iPad on the refrigerator door (see other Gizmag article) and save about $12,000 !!!
Idiot marketing departments, and the idiot rich fools that buy this stuff without researching or thinking....
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This would be awesome!!!!!!!!