
The incredible plan to build an $8 billion turtle-shaped floating city

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The Pangeos is named after the Pangea (or Pangaea) supercontinent that existed hundreds of millions of years ago
Pierpaolo Lazzarini
The Pangeos is named after the Pangea (or Pangaea) supercontinent that existed hundreds of millions of years ago
Pierpaolo Lazzarini
The Pangeos would measure 550 m (roughly 1,800 ft) in length and reach a maximum width of 610 m (2,000 ft)
Pierpaolo Lazzarini
The Pangeos would have a capacity for up to 60,000 people and include dock areas for both aircraft and boats
Pierpaolo Lazzarini
The Pangeos would feature hotels, resort areas, amenities and luxury villas
Pierpaolo Lazzarini
The Pangeos would be partly powered by solar panels, though we've no word on their expected capacity
Pierpaolo Lazzarini
The Pangeos' hull would be constructed from steel
Pierpaolo Lazzarini
The Pangeos would require a huge shipyard to build, with Saudi Arabia mooted as a potential location
Pierpaolo Lazzarini
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Pierpaolo Lazzarini is certainly no stranger to imagining – and even realizing – unusual designs, but his latest conceptual yacht is his most ambitious to date. Taking the form of a gigantic turtle, the Pangeos is envisioned as a movable "city" that the designer estimates would be the world's largest floating structure.

Described as a Terayacht by Lazzarini, the Pangeos is named after the Pangea (or Pangaea) supercontinent that existed hundreds of millions of years ago. It would make even the largest of the current crop of megayachts look like mere dinghies, with a length of 550 m (roughly 1,800 ft) and a maximum width of 610 m (2,000 ft).

The hull would be built from steel and would feature a turtle-shaped base topped by an oval structure that supports a maximum of 60,000 people, with hotels, shopping centers, parks, both ship and aircraft ports, luxury villas, clubs, and everything else needed to maintain a floating community in the middle of the ocean.

Naturally, a vessel this size would require some hardcore propulsion and the Pangeos would be equipped with nine massive cutting-edge HTS (high-temperature superconducting) motors, each of which would be electric and capable of producing the equivalent of 16,800 horsepower, allowing it to cruise at a stately 5 knots (5.75 mph).

The Pangeos would have a capacity for up to 60,000 people and include dock areas for both aircraft and boats
Pierpaolo Lazzarini

The power to run the floating city would come from solar panels, plus electricity would be produced using its large flipper-like structures, which would harness energy from the sea with some kind of wave energy generator system, allowing the ship to cruise indefinitely.

Lazzarini has dedicated some thought to its cost too. The budget would be around US$8 billion and there's a crowdfunding campaign launching soon, should you want to chip in, offering rewards like virtual tickets and NFTs.

The designer also notes that a Terayacht would need a "Terashipyard" to match, with Saudi Arabia mooted as the best place to build a new shipyard by reclaiming a square kilometer (0.3 sq mile) of land from the sea – indeed, if anywhere would consider such an idea, it's probably the home of the Line and Qiddiya "Giga project." However, there are so many potential issues and pitfalls that we would definitely recommend taking this concept proposal with a large pinch of sea salt for now.

Source: Pierpaolo Lazzarini

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Pangeos? No, it should clearly be called A'Tuin.
" hotels, shopping centers, parks, both ship and aircraft ports, luxury villas, clubs, and everything else needed to maintain a floating community in the middle of the ocean."
Figuring on a conservative kilogram of food per person per day, this behemoth is going to need either a fleet of supply boats or a an even larger floating farm/meatpacking plant steaming along just out of view.
For jaunts of just a week or two, the turtle isn't that radical -- cruise liners with roughly 10,000 people on board have been in service for years. They just don't stay away from shore for long.
Who let the teenage boys play with the CAD software this time? Come on, own up.
I find the most amusing thing about this nonsense project to be that it is wider than it is long. Imagine trying to drive a cruise ship through the water sideways.
I think it's a great idea ... as an exercise for students of various disciplines to figure out why it's a bad idea. If a floating city does make sense, it should start with 'what shape makes the most sense', not 'what shape would look impressive in an architecture magazine article'.
Malcolm Jacks
Why waist Steel on the hull, I remember they successfully made barges out of cement in the 2nd world war.
Bob Flint
Turtles also spend most of their time under the sea, just saying with the big opening on top just asking for a rogue wave to do it's thing.
That's a great place for incredibly affluent people to put their x'th home just in case "Eat the Rich" stops being a joke.
I wonder if it will trawl for seafood too? That is a lot of people to feed. Perhaps there could be some aquaponic systems on board as well. There is a lot of space in the oceans, I like the idea of taking some pressure off the cities.
It would only really be able to float around the med? I have always been curious what a hurricane surviving floating city would look like.
I understand they will grow / farm their own sea turtles for their restaurant specialty 'turtle soup' in international waters of course. Their second city is in the shape of a shark and will feature 'shark fin' soup as it wanders our world oceans outside of nation's laws.