
Essential rare earth elements pulled from water using eggshells

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The humble eggshell has been used to recover rare earth elements essential to green energy technologies
The humble eggshell has been used to recover rare earth elements essential to green energy technologies
Composite image using high-resolution microscopy and spectroscopy showing the absorption and replacement processes of rare earth elements (REEs) in the eggshell
Trinity College Dublin/University of Dublin

Using humble waste eggshells to pull rare earth elements from water, researchers have developed a simple, low-cost and sustainable procedure to provide the essential materials needed for a transition to green energy technologies.

Making the successful transition to green energy is dependent on rare earth elements (REEs), which are needed to make essential components in things like hybrid and electric vehicles and wind turbines. Despite their name, these elements aren't actually rare. The problem is, though, that they’re usually found in low concentrations and are combined, meaning their extraction and separation are expensive, energy- and water-intensive, and generate a lot of waste.

In a new study, researchers from Trinity College at the University of Dublin tested a simple process of REE recovery that relies on a cheap, sustainable resource: the humble eggshell.

“This study presents a potential innovative use of waste material that not only offers a sustainable solution to the problem of rare earth element recovery but also aligns with the principles of circular economy and waste valorization,” said Remi Rateau, from the College’s School of Natural Sciences and the study’s lead and corresponding author.

Composite image using high-resolution microscopy and spectroscopy showing the absorption and replacement processes of rare earth elements (REEs) in the eggshell
Trinity College Dublin/University of Dublin

The researchers placed waste hen eggshells in solutions containing REEs and heated them to temperatures ranging from 25 °C (77 °F) up to 205 °C (401 °F) for up to three months. They observed that the REEs diffused – that is, they moved from a region of high concentration to one of low concentration – into the eggshells along the calcium carbonate (calcite) boundaries and the organic matrix, a complex mixture of organic material, including protein, that’s intimately associated with the outer calcite shell.

The REEs formed new minerals at higher temperatures on the eggshell’s surface. At 90 °C (194 °F), kozoite formed on the surface of the dissolving calcite. At 165 °C (329 °F) and 205 °C, the researchers noted that the calcite dissolved completely and was replaced by polycrystalline kozoite. At 205 °C, the kozoite was slowly replaced by bastnäsite, the stable rare earth mineral typically used to extract REEs for technological applications.

The researchers say their simple, low-cost and environmentally friendly process could help meet the increasing demand for REEs as the world embraces more green energy technologies.

“By transforming eggshell waste into a valuable resource for rare earth recovery, we address critical environmental concerns associated with traditional extraction methods and contribute to the development of greener technologies," said Juan Diego Rodriguez-Blanco, lead researcher on the study.

The study was published in the journal ACS Omega.

Source: Trinity College Dublin

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This is great -- for a long time the problem hasn't been about finding the rare earth elements, it's been about the dangerously toxic processes used to refine them. (The main reasons that certain countries have strangleholds on supply is that they're willing to turn chunks of their territories into hazardous waste zones.)
Heating large quantities of solution for 3 months has to be expensive. Add to that thet there is presently no egg shell collection infrastructure and this seems like another "solution" by out of touch lab rats.
*Username* Not necessarily. Companies that produce food products using eggs could save the shells,assuming they get eggs in the raw form. I also thought of programs to recycle egg shells by consumers,which might still be an option if companies don't use eggs in the shell for their products.
Sounds interesting. Which REEs can be recovered this way? Can it be used to extract other elements, like Gold? The idea of keeping the water solutions hot for three months is not a big deal- there are many industries that produce waste heat that can be used for this purpose, and insulation helps a great deal.