Body & Mind

Biannually-injected hydrogel could keep glaucoma at bay

Biannually-injected hydrogel could keep glaucoma at bay
The needle (pictured here) is very small, and the injection site is numbed prior to the procedure
The needle (pictured here) is very small, and the injection site is numbed prior to the procedure
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The needle (pictured here) is very small, and the injection site is numbed prior to the procedure
The needle (pictured here) is very small, and the injection site is numbed prior to the procedure

Presently, glaucoma is treated via daily-administered eye drops, surgery, or implanted devices – none of which are guaranteed to be successful. In the future, however, it's possible that a twice-yearly injection could do the trick.

Glaucoma occurs when a fluid known as aqueous humor can't drain from the eye as it normally would. Instead, it builds up, creating pressure. If that pressure isn't relieved, the optic nerve may be damaged, resulting in blindness.

Ordinarily, the fluid drains mainly through a structure at the front of the eye, called the trabecular meshwork. Because that's typically blocked or otherwise compromised in glaucoma patients, many treatments instead focus on a narrower structure between the front and back of the eye, known as the suprachoroidal space (SCS).

Led by professors Ross Ethier and Mark Prausnitz, scientists at the Georgia Technical Institute have developed an experimental technique in which a tiny droplet of a natural polymer known as hyaluronic acid is injected into the SCS, forming a viscous (but non-toxic) hydrogel once within the eye. That gel proceeds to hold the SCS wide open, allowing the aqueous humor to continuously drain out.

The hypodermic needle that's used is very small – less than a millimeter long – and the injection process takes just a few minutes. In rabbit tests conducted so far, the pressure-reducing effect has lasted for four months before another injection was required. That said, it is hoped that once the technology is developed further, the effect could last up to six months.

"The holy grail for glaucoma is an efficient way to lower the pressure that doesn't rely on the patient putting drops in their eyes every day, doesn't require a complicated surgery, has minimal side effects, and has a good safety profile," says Ethier. "I am excited about this technique, which could be a game-changer for the treatment of glaucoma."

A paper on the research was recently published in the journal Advanced Science.

Source: Georgia Tech via EurekAlert

This work is highly commendable and we wish them success. But the body itself produces hyaluronic acid uses it in the eyes and skin. A next step could be to tweak the genes that produce it. That will also make skin firmer and appear younger. Meanwhile we should all consume more of the foods that contain hyaluronic acid, such as green vegetables, root vegetables, bone broth, and citrus foods.
Ingenious! Keep these novel therapy reports coming Ben, we need to know what is over the horizon for these chronic disease states. I have an in-law who consults me for the latest on Glaucoma; she hasn't taken all of my advice as yet but she has changed ophthalmologists when I ask why she stays with 1990's therapies. Maybe her opthamologist will participate in hyaluroic acid injection human trials.
Very nice synopsis Ben, I thought you were a very clear writer, I don't know how this article suggested or even hinted at glaucoma being a disease of hyaluronic acid deficiency, but I read for medical facts. I thought you were very clear and concise! Thanks