Mental Health

Dean's office: students struggle with anxiety and depression

Dean's office: students struggle with anxiety and depression
A study found exclusionary discipline adversely affected students' mental health – possibly more than you'd expect
A study found exclusionary discipline adversely affected students' mental health – possibly more than you'd expect
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A study found exclusionary discipline adversely affected students' mental health – possibly more than you'd expect
A study found exclusionary discipline adversely affected students' mental health – possibly more than you'd expect

A study out of the University of Minnesota has revealed that kids who face various forms of exclusionary discipline (ED) at school were at greater risk of developing anxiety and depression. The research highlights the need to rethink how young students who act out are treated by educators, given the dire consequences of defaulting to traditional modes of punishment.

While this reflects the situation in a single US state, ED is common around the world, and it's fair to say that about one-fifth of the global population is currently in school. That means hundreds of millions of young people globally could suffer the adverse effects of ED on their mental health.

The study looked at data collected in 2019, from more than 82,000 students in Minnesota public schools in 8th, 9th, and 11th grade. They had all participated in the Minnesota State Survey, an anonymous triennial survey carried out to understand students' experiences in the state's school system. Interestingly, this survey has been conducted every three years since 1989.


The research team looked at students' experience with exclusionary discipline – suspensions, expulsion, and detention – and how that affected their mental health using tools like the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 to identify symptoms for depression, and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale-2 for anxiety.


The study found that one in 10 students experienced ED. There were higher rates of ED for male and nonbinary kids, children of color, those in special education, as well as youth in poverty.

Among those who faced ED, the research revealed a 64% increase in odds for depression symptoms, and a 49% increase in the chance of developing symptoms of anxiety.

The team noted students who faced ED reported “little interest or pleasure in doing things,” “feeling down, depressed, or hopeless,” “feeling nervous, anxious or on edge,” or “not being able to stop or control worrying.”

As the Population Reference Bureau explains, anxiety and depression at a young age can lead to academic problems, substance abuse, and suicidal behavior. Students who experience ED may also find themselves at increased risk for dropping out of school, having trouble getting hired or holding down jobs, and becoming involved in criminal activity.

That's troubling to discover. However, it's worth bearing in mind that a range of protective factors can shield students from the harmful effects of ED on their mental health to some degree. These factors include:

  • Extracurricular youth development opportunities
  • Parent connectedness
  • Friends caring about them
  • Having an adult at school to talk to
  • Teacher-student relationship quality
  • Feeling safe at school

Ensuring students can experience these factors consistently and reliably can improve their emotional well-being.

The researchers say the big takeaway here is that we need a new approaches to disciplinary frameworks, noting that "disciplinary frameworks that interpret student misbehavior as a means of coping with challenges and adopt trauma-informed, restorative practices and support systems are likely to benefit students and their schools."

Source: Population Reference Bureau

The US Department of Education has officially scrubbed race data from their database. These studies won’t be possible with any degree of accuracy for the next four years, at least. Surely well intentioned people working there covertly saved data to later be replaced, but who knows what will get missed in the interim.
Punishment is supposed to cause short term anxiety. Then you learn not to do it again so that you don't have to feel anxious again. The big problem here is that maybe troubled kids are more prone to getting in trouble to be punished in the first place. Maybe well balanced kids just don't get punished as much.
But schools dont have to just educate one child, we need to know does the class get better or worse when the "trouble" child is punished. Thats what we really need to know, do 90% of the kids see the punishment and behave better without having to go through the punishment? Lots of questions in this area, and I dont think America is the right country to answer them.