Mobile Technology

MonkeyOh docks and charges iPhone and iPod touch while hiding cord clutter

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The MonkeyOh is designed to get rid of cord clutter
The MonkeyOh is designed to get rid of cord clutter
Everything a user will need to use the MonkeyOh
The MonkeyOh with and without a phone
Wrapping the cord around the MonkeyOh
The MonkeyOh in use as a stand
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A major trend in product development is the concept of devices that support smartphones. We've seen products like the VAMP VERZA and ampjacket for enhancing sound, the Linkase for improving Wi-Fi, the EMBRACE+ bracelet for enhancing notifications, and the list goes on. The MonkeyOh is another product designed to enhance smartphones, and it does so with a system that hides your device's charging cord while also functioning as a stand.

The MonkeyOh is designed to work with Apple's power adapter and a USB cable. Users slide the power adapter into what the creators call the "backpack." The cord gets wrapped around the outside of the backpack, which keeps it tucked away when the phone is plugged in.

The arms (and I mean arms literally, as they are actually shaped like a monkey's arms) hold the device while plugged into the charger. The MonkeyOh can be unplugged, and with the arms holding up the device, used as a stand for watching videos. The arms also stretch wide enough to hold the device in landscape as well.

MonkeyOh was created with an iPhone or iPod touch in mind, but it can be used with other devices. The catch is that it is designed to support an Apple power adapter, so if a user wanted to use a Samsung Galaxy S III, for example, he or she would still need an Apple adapter to get power to the phone.

Another important thing to note about compatibility is the fact that the MonkeyOh is specifically designed to work with the US Apple adapter, so there will be compatibility issues with larger power bricks in other countries.

FELIX, the creator of the MonkeyOh, is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter. The early bird specials are still available, so interested buyers can purchase a MonkeyOh for US$15. Once those run out, the minimum backing required to snag one is $17.

The Kickstarter pitch below provides more information.

Source: Kickstarter

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